Interzone report of August 21st 1998


Hi all,

Hope you are well. I first expected this report would be short for a holidays one, but due to the number of events occuring, it's getting rather thick once again.

Some proposed the report would be more a common work, which I gladly agree with. So there now is a page in the Western Lands dedicated to the next report : . I include in it the different subjects which occur from my side during the month , so you can see them, develop them if you want, and add yours as well.

If you see more practicle ways, please let me know J .

You have been extremely indulgent during this year and did not emit critic on the work done. Our first year was really great, far beyond what I might have expected if I had been aware Interzone was going to exist. But falling in a routine or self-satisfaction would be desastrous. So please, do not hesitate to "storm the studio" !!!!

Here is the account of the work done since july :


  1. The sites :

The Western Lands needs to be changed : the sum of the writing is getting huge, and some of you offered to host some of them . Gary is gonna include a cut-ups machine in his site soon, and will host the monthly reports. Let me know if you want to take stuff on your site, so you can see altogether what you be interested in taking.

I began a forum here for the different rubrics of the Academy : money, communes, Beat Hotel, medical research, writings, spirituality , next report, etc... , but it probably will go to another site.

Pierre : CD project : "THE LAST WORDS 1999" :

Foe4Foe : INTERZONE CONFERENCE : chat room :





You can buy Burroughs', Gysin's books and much more at :

Rick : Bookstore:

Gary : Allan Cronin : Elegy for William Burroughs :

Extracts from "The Western Lands"

We can begin the forum in his BBS:, so in case you have suggestions , you can write them there , and everybody can consult them immediately, and answer as well. This would be a perfect place for the moment


  1. Economic collaboration :

So we can exchange our ideas, projects, experiences, and see if we can make a kind of a "cartel" (lol) allowing us to be stronger and more successful.

On the 10 Pierre sent, I got only one left for sale (medium size, white, printing on the front). For wearing mine since 2 months now, I can say it resisted to the different washings and will be good for next summer as well (thanks@Pierre)

As a result we are going to have French, American and Australian currencies (very little at the moment, lol !). But after sometimes, we might foresee a possible exchange and lending of money without interest, nor fees for change J . As a result, we might consider the possibility of dealing between each other with our respective moneys, so we won't loose some of it in the banks.


3. The chats :

Foe made an international clock for the chat appointments : in case you want it through E-mail, just ask for it.

The chat he had made with Xoom is not hosted anymore because they did not accept the style of some pages : I took one which does not seem to make problem here : see . Sam offers to host them as well.

The latest appointment of July was a real mess because of the number of chat rooms used : the most accessible and easy to download being definitely, I propose on August 23rd we take the Music Art and Books of the 3rd floor, always empty. mIRC's privacy seems to be more than aleatory, and got uncontrolled kicking robots. See for the infos about the chat appointment in


4. The CD Last Words :

You can listen in Pierre and Foe's sites the first extracts of the recordings. "THE LAST WORDS 1999" : and

You can send them your translations and music. See also the videos at those URL.

Much thanks to The Ran and Dead Joe who have been sending tapes of their musical productions. I have sent some to Foe and Pierre already and will transmit them the whole.


5. The Beat Hotel : see :

We thought that renting it, if it is possible, could be easier than buying it. Running it could allow us to live as well, make a place for the Academy, a turning point for Interzone and meeting buddies, as well as a physical place to trade our productions : reviews, books, CD, videos, dreamachines, make concerts, expos, etc… So Pierre is gonna take the infos and will forward it (check the page : and the forums in some times).

In case you are interested in this project (at any level : to buy it, fix it, work in it, etc…), let us know, so we got an idea of the number of people involved. You can mail to Pierre , Iggy : and me

We are gonna see also what we can and want to do in it , how we intend to work together, etc… The idea is great, but making it happen is more complicated.


6. Our book :

Which title shall we take ? "The Time of Nagual " is the translation of the one I chose for the written part which was at the origin of it, but I cannot decide myself the one of our common book. Other ideas ?

I have not finished to class all the texts yet, due to the lack of time during holidays. Hope it'll be done next month.


7. Help needed :

We are now in touch again with Koulin again in Abidjan, Africa, who lost his job recently and cannot get connected anymore because of the lack of money. One of you, Bill, wrote to send him money about one month ago, but we could not join Koulin then, and it seems we cannot join Bill now either. In case you want to get in touch with Koulin , you can write to him at : and . We can also join him to his postal address.


8. Free public services , Quake club :

Jim, Gessie and V have accept to assume the functions of doctor, advocate and cop, so we can join them in case we need them.

One clarification : the cop's job is to defend us when we need it .V is a fan of Quake as well as Littlemute, http://www209.152.142.37/maruo/index.html , Gary : and Foe. You can join them for a Quake club.


9. Buying Burroughs', Gysin's and Korzybski's books on the web :

See with Rick for buying second hand books, trade, etc…, in his bookstore:

In any country you may be, you can get them (new books) from Compendium bookshop which will send them to you by postal mail . See their E-mail in .


10. Collage gathering our pics :

Foe proposes we make one. You can join him about it and send him your pics.


11. Dreamachine :

If you got any info about it or other technics to get the alpha wave, or other plans, etc., you can send them and they will be added to the Dreamachine page. Here I can find old record-players , just the turning table, for 20 francs (4 $) at Emmaus : I can ask them to put them aside for me when they got some if anybody is interested and then they make a better price for a whole lot J .


Between 2 reports, the infos coming are included in the News2 page and in Foe's site :


Thanks for your interest and involvement in Interzone, and for sending your ideas and comments. Have great fun and take care.



East-West collaboration

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