Buying books : Compendium bookshop.
De : Baudron <>
À : <>
Date : vendredi 7 août 1998 17:23
Objet : Books to the East ?
I got in touch with you some month ago when
I linked your site to the site Western Lands. Some people in Interzone cannot access to Burroughs' nor Korzybski's books in the countries they live in. (Lebanon, Malaysia).Can those people purchase them by postal mail
as I did before from you ? In case yes, which curreccy do you accept ? Under which form can they pay ? Do you take postal checks ? Could you send m a list of the Burroughs' books you have and Beat Generation authors Is "Here to Go -Planet R 101 " by Terry Wilson and Brion Gysin available ?Thanks a lot for those informations
Isabelle Baudron
The Western Lands
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Compendium Books <>
À : <>
Date : mardi 11 août 1998 16:16
Objet : books query
Thank you for your e-mail -
We have a beat list which can be sent to your friend if you can e-mail us their addresses - The books can be purchased and mailed anywhere in the world.
We only accept payment in £.
When paying from abroad you may use a "Bankdraft" or a "International Money Order" available from your local post office. We also take "Eurocheque" as well as "Visa and Mastercard/Access" credit cards.
"Here to go - Planet R 101 - is out of print, no longer obtainable Yours sincerely,
Mail order dept.
August 31s st 98 :
Max is making a magazine :
"Le #1 sort en septembre, le 15, il s'appelle NET ZONE.
Il est accompagné d'un CD-ROM, et coutera 39 frs.
très beau le CD-ROM !!!
Je suis assez content.
Voici le sommaire :
Cybersexe, Cyborg et Androide.
(Stellarc, Orlan, les "Wirehead", ...etc)
Otaku, Zombies technologiques.
(Un super article sur ces barj' de Japonais)
Cyberculture et littérature.
(Gibson, Sterling, Egan, Noon...)
Kyoko Date, idole virtuelle
(c'est une gamine Japonaise qui vie sur le net, elle n'existe pas,
mais a une biographie tout à fait réaliste et donne des interview).
Sectes, Drogues et Rock'n'Roll
(comme son titre ne l'indique pas c'est sur T.O.P.Y, Psychic TV et
Thee Process)
John Waters et Divine
(no comment)
Paradis artificiel sur le Net
(ou et comment acheter des stimulant genre Kava, Melatonine ou Viagra
sur le net)
(de l'influence de nos chouchou : Ginsberg, Kerouac, Burroughs, Leary
et les Merry Pranksters sur le développement du Web ou je parle de
nous !)
le premier N° sera vendu dans les bacs "Adulte"
Le 19, 22, 26, 27, 28 Septembre 1998
113 bis, rue Oberkampf 75 011 Paris Tél/Fax 01 43 38 02 82
----Samedi 19 Septembre / In Vitro----------------------------------------------------19h00.0h30
Amy O'Neill, Elina Saloranta, Janine Gordon, Ingrid Luche, Philippe Decrauzat, Sandra Bersier, Luc Aubort, Stéphane Dafflon, Francis Baudevin, Klat, John Miller, Julien Previeux, Frank Sroder, Melik Ohanian, Nicolas Moulin, Valery Grancher, Alexandre Bianchini, Allen Ruppersberg, Dan Walsh, Jean-Luc Menetrier, Gianni Motti, Elke Krystufek, Nicolas Rey, Rainer Ganahl.
In Vitro est un espace d'art contemporain, il s'agit d'une vitrine qui se situe à Genève (place du rond-point de Plainpalai) son action se double d'un programme d'édition d'affiches placardées en situation urbaine. Une soixantaine d'expositions ont été organisées jusqu'à ce jour. La plupart des artistes ayant participés au programme d'In Vitro furent rassemblés lors de la manifestation "In Vivo" qui s'est tenue dans l'ensemble de la ville de Genève en 1994. Ces 80 artistes ont ainsi
présentés des pièces à l'emplacement de leur choix prenant la cité comme espace d'exposition. In Vitro est une tentative de placer l'art en situation de vie avec le monde comme seule mesure.
----Mardi 22 Septembre /Büro----------------------------------------------------------20h30.1h00
Büro présente live + mix avec Peter Rehberg (pita/mego), Erik Minkkinen, Lionel Fernandez
wave record shop: 36,rue Keller 75011 Paris tel:(33) fax:(33)
Büro events:
----Samedi 26 Septembre / Icono / Kaskadenkondensator---------------------------19h00.0h30
Icono&Cie présentent Michael Blum, Alain Declercq, Pierre Belouin, Antoine Schmitt et Joana Preiss. Avec Studio mobile : espace d'une collaboration entre deux artistes plasticiens, Vincent Epplay et Pierre Giner. Laboratoire itinérant, Studio Mobile génère des pièces spécifiques au fur et à mesure de ses interventions, sous la forme d'installations, d'ambiances sonores et visuelles, de performances ou d'archives. Studio Mobile puise la matière de ses interventions dans la circulation, dans la rencontre, le déplacement. Il procède par collecte, captation, traitement, mixage : c'est un générateur de sons et d'images, d'espace et de temps partagés.
Projection d'une sélection d'oeuvres multimédia extraites du site ICONO
Kaskadenkondensator est un forum pour l'art et la musique contemporaine situé à Bâle (CH). Un lieu de communication et médiation de l'expérimental, de la recherche et de projet de "work in progress".
Kaskadenkondesator se veut complémentaire aux institutions d'art contemporain, aux galeries et musées de Bâle et prend une place importante dans l'ensemble de la scène culturelle de la ville. Depuis l'automne 1994, cette structure associative organise une programmation régulière qui comprend l'art contemporain, la musique experimentale, la littérature et la performance. En plus de son activité d'exposition et d'organisations d'événements, Kaskadenkondensator a commencé depuis 1997 à établir un archivage de documents de la création artistique de la région.
Kaskadenkondensator présente la performance 3x3 (3 femmes x 3 chansons). A partir d'un materiel visuel existant, ces trois artistes ont crées la deuxième partie : une vidéo "Fit for love", une partie est jouée 'live' par Pascale Grau et Andrea Saemann; Simone Kurz est présente à travers une video.
----Dimanche 27 Septembre /Field------------------------------------------------------19h00.0h30
FIELD organise des expositions et des événéments à différents endroits.
Espaces - vidéos - installations - lumière - son. Créant des environnements non virtuel.
FIELD existe depuis 1995 et est situé à Zurich.
----Lundi 28 Septembre / Glassbox-----------------------------------------------------19h00.1h30
Tsuneko Taniuchi - née à Hyôgo, Japon micro événement 4 (performance) "Mon travail affronte la réalité du
pouvoir et l'identité dans le monde. Je m'intéresse plus précisement à l'ensemble déconcertant des relations sociales. Il s'agit au travers de video, d'installations, de diaporama, de performances de surprendre les disfonctionnements et les dérêglements du monde social. A travers des actions, discussions, rencontres, je cherche à ouvrir des perspectives à
l'intérieur d'un fonctionnement social. Parallèlement à l'engagement politique de mon travail artistique, j'ai pris en compte la notion d'identité et notament d'identité de femme. J'ai commencé à affirmer ma position en tant que femme et à explorer de plus en plus les moments et endroits les plus intimes dans, ou de, la vie d'une femme."
Pip Chodorov - Né à New York en 1965 Film experiments and diaries (1989-1998) Cinéaste et compositeur de
musique, Pip Chodorov a étudié la science cognitive à l'University of Rochester, New York, et la sémiologie du cinéma à l'Université de Paris III. Il a cofondé l''Abominable, laboratoire cinéma coopératif et artisanal, Paris, et a fondé Re:Voir (Light Cone Vidéo) en 1994 pour l'édition de cassettes vidéo de films expérimentaux historiques et contemporains.
Arnaud l'Aquarium, est un dj qui nage à contre courant.Il jouait techno à la fin des années 80, lorsque les raves et la techno étaient interdites. Vous pourrez écouter sa musique de temps à autres à la radio, sur le web, au Cybertheatre ou à Glassbox :une recherche sur la musique électronique de demain.
--------->Retransmissions des événements sur
The 19, 22, 26, 27, 28 September 1998
113 bis, rue Oberkampf 75 011 Paris Tél/Fax 01 43 38 02 82
----Saturday September 19 / In Vitro------------------------------------------------19h00.0h30
Amy O'Neill, Elina Saloranta, Janine Gordon, Ingrid Luche, Philippe Decrauzat, Sandra Bersier, Luc Aubort, Stéphane Dafflon, Francis Baudevin, Klat, John Miller, Julien Previeux, Frank Sroder, Melik Ohanian, Nicolas Moulin, Valery Grancher, Alexandre Bianchini, Allen Ruppersberg, Dan Walsh, Jean-Luc Menetrier, Gianni Motti, Elke Krystufek, Nicolas Rey, Rainer Ganahl.
In Vitro is a contemporary art space, a shop window based in Geneva (place du rond-point de Plainpalai), together with a program for the edition of posters posted in urban situations. Today, In Vitro has organised more than sixty exhibitions. most of the artists who participated in the In Vitro program, came together on the occasion of 'In Vivo', held by the city of Geneva in 1994. These 80 artists presented their pieces in the location of their choice, using the city as exhibition space. In Vitro is an attempt to situate art in direct relation to life.
----Tuesday September 22 / Büro------------------------------------------------------20h30.1h30
Büro presents live + mix with Peter Rehberg (pita/mego), Erik Minkkinen, Lionel Fernandez wave record shop:
36,rue Keller 75011 Paris tel:(33) fax:(33) Büro events:
----Saturday September 26 / Icono /
Icono&Cie presents Michael Blum, Alain Declercq, Pierre Belouin, Antoine Schmitt & Joana Preiss. With Mobile Studio : a collaborative work between two artists, Vincent Epplay and Pierre Giner, both dealing with the interface between sound and image, each in their own way, the first creating sound around image, the second produces images seeking a voice.
Their common use of new technologies allows them to share their experiences of exhibition and mediation, sound and image, video and music, analogue and digital. In the course of its interventions Mobile Studio gives birth to pieces in the form of installations, visual and sound ambiances, performances or archives, but overall it explores the dynamic of a work-in-progress, an uncharted territory between the artwork, the viewer, the situation and time. Mobile Studio is travelling
laboratory, extracting the substance of its interventions from the circulation, from an encounter between people and places, from movement, proceeding by collecting, treating and mixing; a generator of sounds and images, space and shared time.
Kaskadenkondensator is a forum dedicated to art and contemporary music, based in Basel (Switzerland). It sees itself as a space of communication and mediation between different forms of experimental research and work-in-progress. Complementary to the contemporary art institutions, museums and galleries in Basel, Kaskadenkondensator holds an important place in the city's cultural scene. Since the autumn of 1994, this associative structure has proposed a regular program including contemporary art, experimental music, litterature and performance. As well as the organisation of exhibitions and events, since 1997 Kaskadenkondensator has taken on the creation of an archive documenting
the local artistic activity. Kaskadenkondensator present 3x3, previously performed by the three artists (Pascale Grau, Andrea Saemann, and Simone Kurz) in Basel in March 1996. Part 2 resulted in the creation of a video 'Fit for love', and part 3, planned to be shown in Spain, is performed live by Pascale Grau and Andrea Saemann, Simone Kurz being present "in absentia" via video.
Sunday September 27 / Field-----------------------------------------------------------19h00.0h30
FIELD organises exhibitions and art events in different locations. Spaces - videos - installations - light - sound. Creating non virtual environments.
FIELD exists since 1995 and is based in Zurich.
Monday September 28 /Glassbox-------------------------------------------------------19h00.1h30
Tsuneko Taniuchi - born in Hyôgo, Japan micro événement 4 (performance) "My work confronts the realities of
power and identity. To be more precise I am interested in social relations as a whole. Through video, installations, slide projection, and performances, I aim to reveal to disfuntional nature of our social customs, using actions, discussions, meetings, I seek to open the perspectives within our social functioning. Parallel to this political action in my artwork, I have included the notion of identity, more precisely, the female identity. I have begun to consolidate my position as a woman, and to explore more and more often the most intimate moments and places in and of the life of a woman."
Pip Chodorov - born in New York in 1965 Film experiments and diaries 1989 - 1998. Filmmaker and composer, Pip
Chodorov studied cognitive science at the University of Rochester, New York, and cinema semiotics at l'Université de Paris III. He has co-founded L'Abominable, co-operative laboratory of small-scale production cinema, and founded Re:Voir (Light Cone Video) in 1994, editors of video cassettes of historical and contemporary experimental cinema.
DJ Aquarium is a DJ who goes against the flow. He was already playing techno at the end of the eighties, a time when techno music and raves were illegal. You can hear him on the radio, on the internet, at the Cybertheatre, or at Glassbox; a search for tomorrow's electronic music.
--------->Retransmission of events on
Mark Mentzer : & now on line : a Beatnick channel with a Ginsberg video and the Burroughs video "Towers Open Fire"
September 24th 98
Hi all,
Yesterday we met in Dan's chat-room , as Foe's one was deleted and I could not use mRIC Inerszone for being
kicked from there 2 months ago.
One great news : Bill Rich, From Lawrence, who worked with Burroughs (see his Burroughs' interview at : ) is now on ICQ and joined in Dan's chat Then Chaya could come but disconnected rather quickly and did not come back .
Thom joined in Music Art and Books. He advises to take Yahoo's chat which , he says, are quick and easy to get into : I have not tried it yet.
Littlemute joined on ICQ but was at work and busy. We talked from about 10 pm here to 12 pm.
Over and out :)
Friday September 25th 98
Hi all,
I'm leaving tomorrow for a week. Shall make a tour of the Zone and see publishers in Paris. I'll send mails to so you can get them from there at (join Gary or Foe
You can write to me at during this week, so I can get the mails from any pc.
Shall send a report then with the news and let you know when I'm back.
I'll send mails to Foe and Gary as well so they can put news in their sites.
Talk to you soon.
Best and love
The Western Lands
Back from the trip : October 5th 98
Hi all,
I'm back from the Zone tour . See the account soon in the site and report. Everything went on fine.
Infos on heantos :
Clarification on heantos : it's not prescribed in anti-cancer therapy as an additive for medical treatments, contrary to the info which had been spread before, which came from a confusion with another herbal treatment in Chinese medicine used in that aim. Its only use reported until now is as a cure in addiction to opiates.
Infos on minaprine and gamma OH :
October 21st 1998 : Mail to forward : Declaration of Human Rights
Dans un courrier daté du 20/10/98 21:12:54, vous avez écrit :
<<Declaration of Human Rights
To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Amnesty International is collecting signatures for a pledge to support this very important United Nations declaration. Amnesty already has 3 million signatures (real and virtual) world wide, and wants 8 million (which would be a significant proportion of the world's population of
around 6 billion). The UN Secretary General has already agreed to be present either in person or live by satellite to receive the pledge as a tangible statement of the people of the world's commitment to an international agenda of human rights.
The most simple way to add your name to the pledge is to: Send an e-mail to (INTERNET:)
Put the following text in the message: 'I support the rights and freedoms in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for all people, everywhere'.
October 24th 98 :
Visit to Emmaus, account chat and other news :
Yesterday October 23rd, I want to see the association Emmaus I got in touch with about buying from them 78 rpm record players to make dreamachines. The guy I'm in touch with was immediately interested by it, found the name very funny. So I brought the plans to him and Brion's extracts from Here to Go and other writings on the dreamachine, so he can have an idea.
I asked him about the infos about associations, and it comes out he is responsible for one at the regional plan, and said that we can ask him and he will give all the infos required.
He advises for the money to ask for a fee, which I'm not very found of. He said that they require to jobless people 20 fr a year, (4 US $). Well, what do you think about it ? 4 $ a year is not much, but do we really need to ask for money, instead of managing with the selling of our productions, creations, exhibitions, etc... ?
This requires from us to talk about it.
He said then that if we make an association, we need minimum a president, a treasurer and a secretary. Now in other associations here, there also is a vice-president, a secretary assistant, and a treasurer assistant.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm not interested in being president, nor vice-president. I'm de facto the treasurer at the moment for opening the count, but do not foresee to do it alone .
The problem with associations sometimes is that their rules allow a concentration of the decisions between the hands of a small group, which does not seem sane to me.
We have also to make status : the aims and grounds of the association.
This too cannot be done by one persone, but is the whole Zone's business. We can put ahead the basic ideas and concepts we have applied, and reread the different manifestos written by some of us. Gather the different points of view in a forum (I'm gonna see about a forum's machine, allowing the messages to appear immediately in another page.)
Account of the chat of yesterday night :
First Dianepop in US joined on ICQ about 9 . 45 pm here. Diane is a new girl in the Zone, from the Memorial (we are about 15 girls at the moment) . This was our first chat so we could exchange about what we have been doing since one year.
Then Chaya joined, on ICQ too in Lebanon. He tried to go to the Interzone chat from, but he got an interruption of program then and did not retry.
I got this too when I am in the chat-room and try to open another web page : this closes the chat-room program and disconnects the Internet pages. Some people who have not got Java seem to get problems too.
Then Dean and Toxygenic in Bulgaria sent mail from ICQ, and we exchanged about the news from each side.
Apo 33 ( ) also came , coming from a week of holidays in the south of France, and Jeremy in England (Spiritech UK : joined : he talked about a course he is giving at uni on words and sent it; we talked about making the Academy on the web. Jeremy works on the relations between spirituality and technology.
We can gather now a certain number of writings in different domains (spirituality, general semantics, medical research, the forums, etc...)
Then in Interzone chat of, a Spanish guy came called Albian. He was not from the Zone, but knows Burroughs and had made an exhibition in Copenhagen in 96 called "Interzone" !!! . I told him about our activities and sites, and he seemed very interested. We exchanged our E-mails.
A new Zoner is looking for "The Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar" by Burroughs. If anybody knows where he can find it, you can answer to him at
Over and out.
October 26th 98
Hi all,
This mail to tell you about the project of Academy on the web. Jeremy Gluck Spiritech UK sent a course some days ago which seems to me worth being spread (What Can Be Done With Words?), and we talked about beginning the Academy on the web, where we could gather such material for studdies.
Jeremy is teacher at uni in England, and works on the links between spirituality and technology. He is interested in the project of web Academy and is gonna beguin on his site with his own stuff and what people will send to him about it. He is gonna bring it to the attention of his university. Untill now, here are the main subjects we can include in the academy : see the menu which I have just changed.
- The status of an eventual organization for Interzone : very franlky, I am not sure yet an official association under the law of 1901would be the best, though I think we must put up something. I see us more like an artistic current orientated on a magic use of art, more conform to its original functions than to the mercantile use our society makes of it, and on the exploration of territories Burroughs and Gysin explored before us.
- Forums presently existing on several subjects : Physical academy, enonomical organization, common projects, etc...
- Medical research.
- Any other domain of teaching and research you would propose.
See if you got writings to send, they will be welcome.
October 27th 98
Hi all,
Following the infos I am getting here, it seems the most appropriate for the status would be a commercial society : According to a friend here, which corresponds to what I have stated myself, the structure of association leads most of the time to a loss of the initial aim, to a concentration of powers in the hands of a small group, and there is an identification of the people at the top with it, to the detriment of its purpose. It's the easiest to put up, but rather hard to escape to its tricks once it's created.
Compaired to this, if a bit more complicated to put up, the society is more solid, more safe at the legal level, and more openned at the level of possibilities. Also Zoners from abroad (US or anywhere) who want to get involved financially and come to work in it can be registered here as businessmen of the society, and get a long stay visa (after 6 months of investigation from the French services) Then the rules are the commercial ones, the same as for the French.
For European citizens, the way is the same as for the French, with the only difference that once they are registered as dealers in a town, they automaticly get a long stay visa in return.
So let me know what you think. Some of you are into business already, so got an idea of things to do here, of the eventual problems susceptible to come, etc...
From my side, I keep on collecting infos and let you know.
See the answers in the page : Status for the Zone
In case any of you know about the SS-Say / Fusion record , please join <MITCH@HRZ1.UNI-OLDENBURG.DE ; Thanks.
November 8 th 98 :
See Jeremy's new pages "House of Light" :
And "Interzone Academy" :
November 14th 98 : Some forums have been created on different subjects we are muling about at the moment , so you can insert your mails directly in them : see the page :
De : Baudron <>
Date : dimanche 6 décembre 1998 20:58
Objet : Latest news
Hi Zoners,
Here are the latest news :
1. About the tee-shirts , Baud and I can now make them here. See the new pages with illustrations you can choose
to make on them :
For the price, the tee-shirts cost us :
- plain tee-shirts : 4 $
- printing : 3 $
- mail : 3 $ (international envelope for all over the world)
There should also be a percentage of the benefit to the illustrators, (3$) and one for the Zone (3 $) Which ends to a final price of 16 $ Does this seem correct to you ?
We propose not to make them in advance, just when you ask for them, so there is no money nor time to invest in it,
and we can get the money back when sending it.
The first attempt with Pierre's tee-shirts selling worked great. We can keep on the same system.
2. About the musics you send, I'm making a page at the moment to put them at the Zone's disposal, and see
with the musicians how to do it.
3. The texts you have sent for the book are all gathered. what shall we do about it ? Do you want to buy the
tomes in the frame of the group ? Shall we have it printed ? I'm gonna put the contents on a web page soon.
4. About the hotel, I sent a letter to the liquidator on friday to say we did not fulfill the conditions to buy the equipment nor take the place, not wanting to have to move the whole stuff in the garage here.
But in the meantime, Iggy proposes to bring the money, because he thinks the place is worth it and it's possible to run it if the bar works well and if the rooms are rented.
Though he has some doubts about the ability of the Zone to run the place correctly, as he fears that some come to profit of the advantages without bringing any counterpart.
He is ok to help in the Zone's projects, but is fed up to trust people who show then they were not worth it, and thinks I might easily get ripped off too.
Here is my point of view about this : A commune project requires discipline, respect of the others, a clear contract at the base resting on simple rules of behaviour which make life possible and all people agree with.
It also requires from people to be concious that they are part of the group, and consider the consequences of their acts not only for themselves, but for the others.
My concern is more towards problems with hard drugs : among the Zoners who propose to come, some are hooked.
We cannot afford to have a place allowing this, otherwise we would have enormous problems very quickly, specially in France. So if you have kicked before coming, no problem, but if not, please, do.
So let me know what you want to do with this place. You can have a look at it at :
I'm ok to start the bar alone , as there should not be a lot of work first , if we got a Zone project in this.
Then the other activities can be put up progressively :
This addiction thing is important to me : I've been working on it since years and know that we can put up quick cures in rather comfortable conditions, with the possibility for the people at the end to remain in the place and work in it as long as they want to, in different frames.
If we put this up, we might have credits and helps for this.
One of the directions Jake proposes to work on is survival, and several of you are concerned by this, some as a subject of thinking, others more practicly, who have been asking for help since the beginning of the zone.
Survival includes a protection against what puts our life in danger :hard drugs, intolerance (several of you complain about anti-gays behaviours), violence (some of you are threatenned in hot places : Lebanon, Indonesia), lack of means to earn one's life correctly , lack of recognition , etc...
One of our first functions of the zone since the beginning is a "city of refuge", as Agent Zero called it, which is
another formulation of the Burroughsian concept of Johnson family, and our slogan : "The Zone takes care of its own" comes from this idea. We have been helping each other in this frame, and it was really useful then. I hope the physical place we shall put up, whatever it will be, will have such a function for all the members who will be part of it.
The Western Lands
Interzone Academy
De : Baudron <>
Date : lundi 7 décembre 1998 00:26
Objet : chat appointment
Hi all,
We are planning an appointment in the chat. Ramuntcho proposes monday or tuesday evening, Let me know if you can one of these days. In case several can only one day, we can have two meetings, as far as I'm concerned.
We can make it in Interzone chat, which allows meetings up to 30 people, in if you got a java program.
(click on the applet " chat house", write your name , click on Enter and there you are.)
Otherwise, let me know which chat you can get.
The Western Lands
Interzone Academy
De :
dean kasabow <>Dear Izzy!
If we will meet to chat these days I would suggest the following:
I hope that most of Interzone members have an irc program such as PIRCH or MIRC, so we should do the following:Everyone to set-up their programs to use the IRCNET Server: or or and join the channel: #interzoneThis is way of bringing all together with no restrictions related
to java applets, browsers or slow pc's [java runs slow on slow pc's :)]Yours,
* web page:
* contact phone: +359-52-452604 (home)
* icq uin: 2964434
* pager:
Hi Dean,
OK for mIRC too, I'll be in both, if my server works : it seems one cannot go to Interzone in when my server (interpc) is down, which happens from time to time, as the only place to enter in it is from the Western Lands chat page.
The server I access to Interzone in mIRC here is Random US DALnet server. I just tried it, it works, I can now access to it (I could not after being banned by a robot after mentionning ICQ , which was considered as an advert for the other system !
I'll be in this evening and tomorrow from 9.30 pm here : for the hour in your place, you can refer to the World clock in Wester Lands at :
9.30 pm in Paris is 3.30 pm in New York, 12.30 pm in San Francisco, 6.30 am in Sidney, 3.30 am in Bankok.
We shall try to record the meeting, so the ones who cannot come will be aware of what we have talked about.
De : chiki <>
À : BAUDRON Isabelle <>
Date : vendredi 18 décembre 1998 18:55
Objet : Raw Info Central
Allow me to introduce my new web site..
*Raw Info Central : On-line Community for Creative Individuals in the
(Raw info Cetral will "officially" start from Jan 1 1999)
The concept is
"Raw Info Central is an on-line community for creative individuals in
the world, which is collecting daily "Raw Info". "Raw Info" is outputed
or created information through our brain at every moment on everywhere.
Poetry, Dreams, Ideas, Diary,Your web site of the day,
comment,criticism..everthing you want to put out will be contained. "
The contents are :
Enter your Raw Info as a guest or as a member.
If you become a member, you can have your own page and put out what you
want to.
The Raw Info you would enter will be added to some files below :
_$B#1_(BThis Month World--All Raw info are here
_$B#2_(BAREA file-- Categorized by area ( North America, South America,
Europe, Asia, Africa, Other.)
_$B#3_(BDATE file-- Categorized by date
_$B#4_(BRaw Info World Atlas --which indicates the location of Raw Info.
NOTE: You have to reload anytime to look what you would add.
If you read Raw Info that touches the information you have, you can
reply to the Raw Info here. You can also reply to the reply message.
You can search Raw Info from here as you like. sorry, but this is a file
search, so it may take some time for you to find some Raw Info. ( We are
going to make it word a search)
This is a realtime chat system with java. You can talk with other people
about the subject that we will suggest IE4.0+ or Netscape4.03+ is
we will have an off-line party at the place you would suggest.
The place list will be a different kind of Raw Info.
And Also_$B!$_(BRaw info Central have Mailing List
(, help, new...
I don't know how Raw info Cenral will be..
(It's just small site now..)
but I hope it will be a very active and real center of Raw Info.
So if you get interested in, please visit Raw info Central.
(and if you find it's interesting,please forward this mail..thanks)
Thanks...chiki (
Abstract Mountain
January 1st 1999 :
Izzy and Baud
to News 3
News 1 (up to July 98), News 2 ( August 98 - jan 99) News 3 (Feb.99 - March 11th 99) News 4 (march 1999- May 1999) News 5 (June-August 1999) News6 (September - November 1999) News7 (December 1999- end February 2000) News8 (starting March 3000)
The Western Lands
Interzone Academy
Interzone Productions