New Events
De : API- ludovic burel <>
À : <>
Date : mardi 11 mai 1999 21:53
Objet : NO EVENT #2
2. Rotaprint
1. T h e c i t y o f m a n u f r a n c e . c o m
A city rich in skills inherited from its industrial past Saint-Etienne ranks today as the second largest urban
conglomeration in the Rhône-Alpes region. With its ambition to conduct extensive economic projects.
B i r t h p l a c e o f t h e i n d u s t r i al e r a
Saint-Etienne started booming right back in the 16th century, becoming prosperous through the manufacture of furnishing
trimmings and weapons. Then, in the 19th century, the city really began to build its industrial reputation, largely through
coal-mining, and the industrial revolution turned Saint-Etienne into one of France's leading cities. The famous "Ecole des
Mines" (national school of mine engineering) was founded there in 1816, and it is no coincidence that France's first railway
line had a terminus in Saint-Etienne in 1827. In the mid 19th century, the city prudently began to diversify its activities
and develop new industries. It was then that the mass-distribution specialist Perrachon, today known as "CASINO,"
was founded, as well as the famous "Manufrance" company selling arms and cycles. Coal-mining was at its peak. With the 20th century emerged new economic models: the leisure industry was born, and .Saint-Etienne built its theatre, stadium and museums. Building on its past heritage, the Saint-Etienne of the year 2000 is developing by adjusting to the new demands of the present.
A s u c c e s s f u l c o n v e r s i o n
Former capital of the arms, fashion accessory and cycle industries, Saint-Etienne has rapidly built up a reputation for its expertise in sub-contracting andmechanics. Today, close to 400 small and medium-size businesses, grouped in industrial "poles" (including industrial automation, medical technologies and optical engineering) make up the city's
economic fabric and provide its driving force. With top-class higher education institutions (Ecole des Mines, and colleges for fine arts and architecture), the city is also home to 700 researchers and is a major venue for scientific conventions.
T h e c i t y o f a r t a n d c u l t u r e
Known in the past for the expertise of its craftsmen, Saint-Etienne is now a lively artistic centre. A large number of shows are held every season at the Comédie Jean Dasté and the Esplanade Opera House. The Modern Art Museum houses the
second largest public collection of French contemporary art, after Paris. The Museum of Art and Industry is about to receive a unique collection of weapons, while the Coal-mining Museum and the Planetarium, among others, constitute cultural landmarks in a city that also welcomes nearly 400 authors every year at the Book Fair.
A n exceptional e n v i r o n m e n t to l i v e i n
But Saint-Etienne is also known for its natural environment,
and has received much acclaim for its quality of life. With 60,000 hectares of protected green areas, the region offers a
wide range of outdoor activities for nature buffs.From the very outset, Saint-Etienne grasped the importance of hosting the Football World Cup in 1998, and was quick to involve its whole population, making the success of the
event a goal for everyone.
I m a g e - b u i l d i n g ...
Looking beyond its regional borders, Saint-Etienne has also embarked on a billboard campaign in six French cities, with
a view to enhancing its image and restoring its reputation as a city of grandeur and excellence.
M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n :
2 . R o t a p r i n t
" Dans quelles conditions, dans une société qui proclame les idéaux de liberté etd'égalité, la domination des uns sur les
autres se reproduit-elle sans cesse à nouveau ?" *
L'intérêt nominaliste porté au terme de " reproduction ", provient du fait qu'il aligne à lui seul les trois domaines
du vivant, du travail et du langage, conçus comme disjoints dans la conception moderne de l'économie politique. Penser
leur co-affluence dans la société bio-politique actuelle entraînerait pourtant à coup sûr de nouvelles transformations
dans l'organisation du pouvoir productif et, en conséquence, dans l'organisation du pouvoir politique.
Mon entreprise consiste donc à montrer comment en officiant dans le strict champ épistémologique, le terme unique de "
reproduction ", nous amène à des considérations immédiatement ontologique et communautaire. Montrant donc en cela, que la création de savoir influe directement sur " la reproduction des conditions de production ", en innervant substantiellement les ensembles démographiques actifs, à travers l'éducation bien sûr, mais aussi l'assistance, la santé, les transports...
"Ce que veulent les institutions, c'est que nous les approvisionnons, que nous renouvelions leurs stocks, que nous
les maintenions en vie par nos innovations"**. C'est en ce sens, que le travail intellectuel immatériel produit directement et
indirectement de la richesse en assurant la pérennité de la réalité économique productive.
Les photos d'imprimantes offset présentées sur ce site constituent des objets théoriques, hypothétiques au sens fort. Ils figurent des intuitions premières qui, étant donné la forte extension sémantique d'un mot comme reproduction, a drainé derrière lui un ensemble de détermination (politiques incluses...). En un sens, la fiction théoriciste s'est alignée sur la plastique, en un tour proche de ce que mentionne L.W.*** à propos de la notation. (" Dans nos notations, il y a bien quelque chose d'arbitraire ; mais ce qui n'est pas arbitraire, c'est que, lorsque quelque chose a été arbitrairement déterminé, alors quelque chose d'autre doit avoir lieu. (Ceci résulte de l'essence de la notation.))
Plus précisément, les objets reproduits ici affichent haut et fort leur vérité authentiquement inactuelle, apagogique, en
démontrant leur appartenance au monde caduque de la production industrielle moderne, où les machines -ces mastodontes du secteur et de l'ère secondaire- incarnaient le capital fixe auquel étaient assujettis les couches salariées de la société ; avant qu'elles n'intériorisent l'outil de production, à l'époque postmoderne qui est la nôtre, sous la forme du cerveau-machine (dont le W3 est encore la meilleure représentation, mais c'est là un autre débat). (" Le travail, aujourd'hui, n'a plus besoin d'instrument de travail qui soit mis à sa disposition par le capital. Le capital fixe le
plus important, celui qui détermine les différentiels de productivité, désormais se trouve dans le cerveau des gens qui
travaillent : c'est la machine outil que chacun de nous porte en lui. " ****)
L ' a n g e d u p l i c a t e u r
D'un point de vue esthétique, est-ce tout à fait hasardeux si la première commande de P.L.***** se rapportait au duplicateur Gestener; ce dernier devant inaugurer la première ère du design industriel... Ne faut-il pas plutôt y voir la célébration de la magnificence de l'outil, son éclat et sa générosité; afin de le parer dans sa course à la mondialisation -en sanctifiant son impérialisme conquérant par son aspect glamour !-. (Il est parlant de voir comment l'auteur se
dédouane de toutes vélléités de reproduction : "C'était une machine de bonne construction qui reproduisait honnêtement tout ce qu'on pouvait avoir le désir de reproduire (désir que, personnellement, je n'ai jamais éprouvé)).
M o n e y - m a k i n g m a c h i n e
Économiquement parlant, ce qui est vrai de la machine offset ne pourrait être dit d'un moulin un café, ni même d'une grue... En affichant directement, comme un argument actif de vente, sa capacité de rendement -autant de feuilles à l'heure-, il donne l'impression de permettre un calcul quasi instané des taux d'actualisation (permettant la comparaison d'un revenu futur et d'un revenu actuel). Cette aptitude fait d'elle une véritable money-making machine, selon qu'elle réduit ou élargit la pro£itability... C'est pour ces raisons, que le domaine de la reprographie incarne, plus qu'aucun autre, cette ère industrielle où, pour atteindre une productivité toujours accrue, il convenait, suivant la conception fordiste, de comprimer les coûts de production et les dépenses assurant, au strict nécessaire, la reproduction des ensembles démographiques actifs. Ce qu'il convient de faire valoir aujourd'hui, c'est au contraire, " qu'un salaire garanti est la condition de reproduction d'une
société dans laquelle les hommes, à travers leur liberté, deviennent productifs... " ****
* Louis Althusser in Sur la reproduction
** Bertolt Brecht in Sur la radio
*** Ludwig Wittgenstein in Tractatus logico-philosophicus
**** Toni Negri in Exil
***** Pierre Loewy in La laideur se vend mal
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May 4th 99 :
De : <infozone> <>NO EVENT #1
Ludovic Burel :
Avec C O N S T R U C T O R S I N D E X, API souhaite se constituer en cabinet derecrutement gratuit en réalisant un Serveur-Emploi, destiné à être unvéritable service public en matière d'Internet et de recherche d'emploi sur Internet. Implanté dans des lieux habituellement consacrés à l'art, API mettra sans frais à la disposition du public des postes
dédiés [mais aussi de la documentation, une ligne téléphonique, etc.], dans le but d'offrir à tous un droit d'accès à Internet en lecture, écriture et exécution [RWX +UGO = Read Write eXcute for User Group & Others]. Cela en vue d'en finir avec l'assez bonne confidentialité [pretty good privacy], dont Internet fait encore l'objet en France.
Raw Info Central Newsletter
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6 March 1999
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Try raw info new feature "Assocciation Ring", where raw infos will meet..
The concept is quite easy..let you enter the words which would come first in your brain when you see the last words.
it's going like this:
raw ( chiki, Mar 3, tokyo)
vegitables ( casey, Mar 4, office)
green ( cheki, Mar 4, paris)
Its simple and easy..
just try it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
What are you made of today? Star Wars? Simpsons? Silicon? Tell me now!
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*Raw Info Central :
On-line Community for Creative Individuals in the world*
Subject: New Journal on Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:27:16 -0500
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2232.9)
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id PAA14205
Official Journal of European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association
Editor: Icro Maremmani, MD - Department of Psychiatry, NPB - University of
Pisa - Italy Publisher: Pacini Editore Medicina - Pisa - Italy
Editorial Board:
Marc Auriacombe, Bordeaux, France
James Bell, Surry Hills, Australia
Olof Blix, Bergen, Norway
Colin Brewer, London, U.K.
Barbara Broers, Geneva, Switzerland
Ernst Buning, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Miquel Casas, Barcelona, Spain
Anne Coppel, Paris, France
Jean Jacques Deglon, Geneva, Switzerland
Jack Derks, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Vincent P. Dole, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Michael Farrel, London, U.K.
Loretta P. Finnegan, Bethesda, MD, U.S.A.
Gian Luigi Gessa, Cagliari, Italy
Michael Gossop, London, U.K.
Leif Gronbladh, Uppsala, Sweden
Jean-Marie Guffens, Saint Tropez, France
Lars M. Gunne, Uppsala, Sweden
Christian Junet, Geneva, Suisse
Andrej Kastelic, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Elizabeth T. Khuri, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Mary Jeanne Kreek, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Joyce H. Lowinson, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Sarz Maxwell, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
Robert G. Newman, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Charles P. O'Brien, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
Pier Paolo Pani, Cagliari, Italy
Mark Parrino, Washington, DC, U.S.A.
Thomas J. Payte, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.
Eric Picard, Bruxelles, Belgium
Rainer Schmid, Vienna, Austria
Marc Reisinger, Bruxelles, Belgium
Marc Shinderman, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
Borge Sommer, Ringkobing, Denmark
Alessandro Tagliamonte, Siena, Italy
Marta Torrens, Barcelona, Spain
Didier Touzeau, Paris, France
Carlo Vetere, Roma, Italy
Josh vHohenberg-vSoer, Hamburg, Germany
Peter Vossenberg, Deventer, The Netherlands
George E. Woody, Philadelphia, PA, USA
To Whom It May Concern:
"Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems" is a new and very special Journal dedicated to the clinical aspects of heroin addiction.
Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems is a six-monthly publication with the first issue planned for Spring 1999.
The Journal is the official Journal of the European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association (EUROPAD), targeted at all clinicians who work, worldwide, in Drug Addiction Units. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems is intended for medical staff in all countries that are using or considering the use of methadone or other pharmacotherapies in the
treatment of addictions.
The aim of the Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems is getting research into practice. Preliminary results of research will be preferred for publication, but the journal will accept also editorials prospecting new pathogenetic theories and new treatment modalities.
You can submit a paper for publication according to the following "instruction for authors".
Please forward this message by E-mail to all addresses you know.
Icro Maremmani, MD
President of EUROPAD
Editor in Chief of Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems
The Editor of Heroin Addiction & Related Clinical Problems welcomes contributions of original manuscripts that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Journal publishes research reports, proposals, letters to editor. Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) will be required to assign copyright ownership in writing to Heroin Addiction &
Related Clinical Problems.
Peer Review: All manuscripts, including those written at the invitation of the editor, are subject to peer review by at least two experts to determine the originality, validity, and significance of the submitted material.
Authors will usually be advised within eight weeks on the decision on their manuscript . Reviewer's comments will be returned with rejected manuscripts at the discretion of the editor. All reviewers will remain anonymous.
Manuscript Specifications: Manuscript must be typed double-spaced with one-inch margins on A4 paper (Max 29952 characters). Draft-quality dot matrix ptintouts will be returned unreviewed. The cover page must contain the article title, authors' names and affiliations, and address for correspondence and telephone number of corresponding author. Please
submitt an original and three hard copies. You will then be encouraged to send the final version of the accepted article on computer diskette (Mac or IBM) Rich Text Format Saved File. Each article must include an abstract (100-word maximum) and a reference list.
General Bibliography Information: Bibliography must be ordered by authors' names alphabetically; include citation number in bibliography; text citation (non-superscripted citation) is followed by the appropriate reference number in parentheses. Authors should be sure that all references listed have been cited in the text. Personal communications, unpublished
manuscripts, manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted, and similar unpublished items should not appear in the reference list. Such citations may be noted in the text. Please use the following guidelines for arranging references:
Journal article:
1. Dole V.P., Nyswander M.E., Warner A. (1968): Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts. JAMA 206: 2708-2711. Book: 1. Tagliamonte A., Maremmani I. (1995): Drug Addiction and Related Clinical Problems. Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York.
Book Chapter:
1. Dole V.P. (1995): Methadone Maintenance. Comes of Age. In A. Tagliamonte e I. Maremmani Eds: Drug Addiction and Related Clinical Problems. Springer-Verlag, Wien New York. pp. 45-49.
Journal names should be abbreviated as they appear in Index Medicus, journals not currently indexed there should not be abbreviated.
Submission Procedure: Submit the original manuscript and three copies to Icro Maremmani, MD, Editor, Heroin Addiction & Related Clinical Problems, Dept. of Psychiatry, Neurobiology, Pharmacology and Biotechnology,
University of Pisa, Via Roma, 67 - 56100 Pisa, Italy. Submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter indicating that the paper is intended for publication and specifying for which section of the journal it is being submitted (Research Reports, Proposals, Letters to Editor); submissions will not be reviewed until such a statement is received.
Ethics of Experimentations: Authors must declare in the cover letter that their studies submitted to Heroin Addiction & Related Clinical Problems have been conducted in accordance with Declaration of Helsinki.
Icro Maremmani MD
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pisa
Via Roma 67, 56100 PISA
Tel. int 39 50 835429 /int 39 584 790073 answering machine
Fax int 39 50 21581
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/_/_//_/_/ \___//__/\___/_//_/\__/ présente <PANIC MANAGEMENT>
=> PANIC MANAGEMENT simulation 2. à Paris: sur RDV
>lun.25.1. >PM 2 + infozone à la patinoire (place de l'Hotel de ville) >18h
>mar.26.1. >PM 2 + infozone au Musée d'art Moderne de Paris >18h
>mer.27.1. >PM 2 + rallye des écouffes >14h-20h
>jeu.28.1. >PM 2 + infozone à la companie bleue >9-20h45
>ven.29.1. >PM 2 + infozone à la bourse de Paris >11h
>sam.30.1. >PM 2 + Le bus d'infozone "Networking Tours" circule >17h
>dim.31.1. >PM 2 + infozone aux courses de Vincennes >12h
Programme détaillé (sur RDV):
>lun.25.1. >PM 2 + infozone à la patinoire (place de l'Hotel de ville)
Tout le monde est invité à patiner, de tester son équilibre sur la glace - présentation de figures artistiques, appliquées et libres.
RDV à 18 heures devant l'Hôtel de ville. Metro: Hotel de Ville Ouvert au public.
>mar.26.1. >PM 2 + infozone au Musée d'art Moderne de Paris >18h
A l'occasion du vernissage de l'exposition "Carsten Hoeller, Rosemarie Trockel et Fischli & Weiss, infozone va introduire un nouveau systeme de connection et communication de 18 à 21 heures.
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
11, avenue du Président-Wilson
75116 Paris
Ouvert au public.
>mer.27.1. >PM 2 + Rallye des Écouffes >14h-20h
Tous les automobilistes, les motards, les patineurs et les coureurs sont invités à participer au rallye des écouffes. Il faut avoir une voiture ou une moto, ou patins à roullettes ou basquettes et l'envie d'être plus rapide que les autres.
Rue des Écouffes
75004 Paris /Metro St.Paul
Ouvert à tout public.
>jeu.28.1. >PM 2 + infozone à la companie bleue >9-20H45
Espace Musculation et cardio-training
09H30 10H15 Gym Basic (45')
10H15 11H00 Step Débutant (45')
12H15 13H00 Body Sculpt (45')
13H00 13H45 Step Intermédiaire (45')
15H30 16H00 Cuisse Hanche Fessier (30')
17H15 18H15 Tai Chi Chuan (60')
18H15 19H00 Body Sculpt (45')
19H00 19H15 Abdo Taille Fessier (15')
19H15 20H45 Danse africaine (90')
Companie Bleue
100, rue du Cherche-Midi
75006 Paris
Tel. 0145.44.47.48.
Ouvert à tout public.
>ven 29.1. >PM 2 + infozone à la bourse de Paris >11h
A cause de l'introduction d'infozone le 1.fevrier 1998 à la bourse de Paris, un petit déjeuner d'investisseurs est organisé le vend.29.1.99 avec Desk Union Tech., Lexibook, Euro NM, France Telecom dans le café de la bourse à 11 heures.
RDV >11h devant la Bouse
Pl. de la Bourse
75002 Paris / Metro Bourse
Ouvert au public.
>sam.30.1. >PM 2 + Le bus d'infozone "Networking Tours" cirule >17h
Avec le bus "Networking Tours" qui passe tout les heures devant le local infozone (20, rue des écouffes, 75004 Paris) on peut faire une tour annimé (video+bar) dans la ville. (horaires: 17h/18h/19h/20h)
20 rue des Écouffes
75004 Paris / Metro: St.Paul
Ouvert au public.
>dim.31.1. >PM 2 + infozone aux courses de Vincennes >12h
Nous allons jouer tous les revenus d'infozone aux courses de Vincennes.
Toute la somme sera misée sur un cheval pour faire apparaître
une autre zone.
RDV à 12h
20 rue des Écouffes
75004 Paris / Metro: St.Paul
Ouvert au public
20 rue des ecouffes
75004 paris
metro: st.paul
Tel. 33(0)148070599
Fax. 33(0)147035080
a temporary workspace for presentation
creation and discussion in paris / france
_ ___
(_)__ / _/__ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ / _ \/ _/ _ \/_ // _ \/ _ \/ -_)
/_/_//_/_/ \___//__/\___/_//_/\__/ présente <PANIC MANAGEMENT>
=> PANIC MANAGEMENT simulation 1. à infozone (adresse ci-dessous)
>lun.25.1. >PM 1 + Marina Chabrol >installation sonore >20h
>mar.26.1. >PM 1 + Elsa Mazeau / installation >20h
>mer.27.1. >PM 1 + Georges & Lichtig >installation >20h
>jeu.28.1. >PM 1 + Ludovic Burel >installation >10h à 20h
>ven.29.1. >PM 1 + Jordan Crandall / conférence >20h
>sam.30.1. >PM 1 + Finale "la dernière soirée" >19h
Programme détaillé:
>lun.25.1. >Marina Chabrol >installation sonore >20h
..."*:>;/# (+)^^ & %¨¨ ?! !!! "... Attention:
Peut parfois provoquer une somnolence discrète et transitoire risquant d'être dangereuse chez les conducteurs de véhicules et les utilisateurs de certaines machines.
>mar.26.1. >Elsa Mazeau >installation CV >20h
A l’aube ud XXI siecle, la question du travail est une notion que l’on doit repenser : "pour une redistribution des emplois", "repenser les activités humaines"tels sont des titres d’articles développés dans le Monde Diplomatique. L’intensité des conflits et débats en cours met en evidence que le travail, dans son acceptation courante, est de moins en moins la valeur essentiel de la vie quotidienne. Pour bon nombre de citoyens, il cesse d’être le lieu majeur de la réalisation de soi et des liens sociaux. Reduire sa durée permettrait
Aussi ces CV sont ceux de la prochaine génération.d’avoir des activités autodéterminées, créant des espaces dont les normes de mode de vie plus libres permettent aux individus de diversifier leurs relations et
d’autonomiser leurs actes. "Le chômage grignote la vie active en ses extrémités. On aborde celle-ci de plus en plus tard, et on la quitte de plus en plus tôt, alors même que l’on reste jeune de plus en plus longtemps." Il faudrait donc une alternance de temps de travail, de formation, de loisirs, de culture et d’activités diverses étalées tout au long du cycle de vie.
Mais il reste important d’établir, pour une meilleure implication et éfficacité du travailleur, un lien entre ces différentes activités. Il en récultera une cohésion entre l’emploi et le travailleur et le résultat sera plus authentique, plus sincère.
>mer.27.1. >Nadia Lichtig & Bertrand George >installation >20h
Bertrand Georges recouvre le sol d'infozone avec des bâtons cylindriques rouges, sortes de bâtons de dynamite. On peut marcher dessus, à ses risques et périls. Nadia Lichtig se donne la liberté d'intervenir au dernier moment.
>jeu.28.1. >Ludovic Burel >10h. à 20h
Liquidation de matérieaux bureautiques et graphiques +
Distribution de tracts de 10h. à 20h. +
présentation de l'interface "langage machine" du site
>ven.29.1. >Jordan Crandall >CRITICAL NETWORK PRACTICE >conference >20h
From its beginning in 1990, Blast has set out to explore contemporary texts and images and their
accompanying practices of reading, viewing, and authoring. Blast has conducted these explorations in
terms of a publication, investigating the changing procedures, systems, and positions of this medium as it
intertwines with emerging communications networks.
Situating itself at the interstices, it embraces content that is both material and digital, online and offline,
recorded and live. It endeavors to make this content partial and contingent, foregrounding the networks of
relations in which it is embedded. Displacing direct, predetermined links between viewer and image, reader and
author, representation and object, it seeks to develop potent complications that uncover and reflect alternate
relationships in the reading-viewing experience.
As this formerly private space of reading and viewing opens out into complex mixture of public and private
space, Blast abandons any conception of its role as a publication and instead positions itself entirely within
the globalized sphere of communications. The spaces of Blast are now the vast urban networks of
representations, technologies, and embodied agents that codetermine each other in complex patterns and
modalities. Its space has therefore become politicized: embroiled in various struggles, that which was the
"page" is now the site of enormous conflicts. The new agenda for Blast is to articulate and embody the agents
and forms of this struggle, developing new formats, strategies, procedures, and encounters. It seeks to
stage confrontations and open critical spaces, toward the formulation of a progressive practice.
>sam.30.1. >Finale (>la derniere soirée d'infozone) >19h
19H00 Construx présente: Piet Mondrian vs. Jean Pierre Raynaud
20H00 Cédric Pigot & J.-L.Chapuis & Nathalie Kias: performance
21H00 Stephan Köperl: performance "Wu´s rescue"
23H00 Bar + Music
NETWORKINGTOURS is a project that bundles a multitude of heterogeneous positions, especially from the fields of subject-construction and alterations of society on the threashold of the next millennium to a
complex system. With my videomobile I scout different places, for the present in Europe, niches of cultural production, localities and interrelations. NETWORKINGTOURS visits all kind of groups and events,
exhibitions, concerts, lectures, videoproducers, theoricians, various people, the „realities" of everyday life in different countries. The videos made during a tour and other pictures from the media are cut together - connections of the fundamentally different are constructed this way. The variety of formings guarantees the analogy to „reality".
To escape indifference, NETWORKINGTOURS focuses on the following items: „cool women", „about future", representation of minorities", „about love, love, love", „art remix", „collectives", „visited scenes", „border-crossing", new-construction of „reality", videoproduction and -distribution, „connecting people", models of participation and conversation. In the NETWORKINGTOURS´ archive videos from producers
all over the world are collected. They can be shown at any time on the video-presentation-object „people´s TV", which is part of the videomobile´s equipment, also in public space
A journey to China can start by reading "Das Neue Chinesisch-Deutsche Wörterbuch" (The new Chinese-German Dictionary). Bizarr example sentences turn this dictionary into poetry, which gives instructive insight into the way of Chinese thinking. It was a helpful source of information and inspiration during a four month stay in the province capital Kunming, South China. Here Sylvia Winkler and Stephan Köperl tried to make use
of their new linguistic proficiency by artistic reactions to the circumstances. This reaction was dominated by the barely understandable destruction of large old town areas because of the constant preassure to modernize and by conspicious features in the remains of everyday life in a city that is changing fundamentally. Back home TV news about the Yang Tse floods were the basis for Stephan Köperl´s performance "Wu´s rescue".
20 rue des ecouffes
75004 paris
metro: st.paul
Tel. 33(0)148070599
Fax. 33(0)147035080
a temporary workspace for presentation
creation and discussion in paris / france
From: James Grauerholz (Jan. 19, 1999)
Dear Friends,
Please excuse the form letter -- this is my first time sending "spam," but at least it's Wiliam Burroughs "spam."
Some of you know all about these events in New York City in early February -- some of you live far away from NYC, but may find this worth knowing -- some of you have not heard from me in quite awhile (to those of you: "Greetings, and
sorry to be so long out of touch!") -- many of you will be pleased to hear about these two events, in William's honor.
I am in the Southwest (of USA), on a research project ... but I will be in New York for Feb. 5 and 6. Many of you I will see there, I hope!
Now, to the "spam" -- with best regards to you all,
James Grauerholz
Contact: Elizabeth Schambelan 212.226.6580 [Grove Press]
January 15, 1998 * An Updated Follow-Up
Alexis Owen 212.614.7868
In honor of the eighty-fifth anniversary of his birth and the publication of Grove Press's Word Virus: The William S. Burroughs Reader, The New School, The Poetry Project and Grove/Atlantic will present a weekend of events commemorating the life and work of the master of postmodern letters.
At a panel discussion at the New School on Friday, February 5th and a reading at the Poetry Project on Saturday, February 6th, a diverse roster of artists and cultural figures, ranging from underground rock stars to venerable literati, will come together to salute an influence and inspiration they share.
"A Tribute to William S. Burroughs," a panel and multimedia presentation to be held at the New School's Tishman Auditorium on Friday, February 5th at 7:30 p.m., will bring together six distinguished panelists to explore, debate and elucidate Burroughs's life and work. These panelists are: biographer Victor Bockris; author and scholar Doug Brinkley; cultural historian and Beat scholar Ann Douglas; novelist and critic David Gates; novelist Heather Lewis; and music critic, author and Burroughs biographer Barry Miles. Ira Silverberg, co-editor of Word Virus, will moderate.
At a Word Virus reading on Saturday, February 6th at 1 p.m., at the Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church, participants will pay tribute to the author by reading their favorite passages from Burroughs's work. Readers are Bruce Andrews, Penny Arcade, Barbara Barg, Bruce Benderson, Victor Bockris, Steve Buscemi, Jim Carroll, Larry Clark, Todd Colby, Ann Douglas, Maggie Estep, Ed Friedman, John Giorno, Brad Gooch, Tim Griffin, John S. Hall, Richard Hell, Lenny Kaye, Jackson MacLow, Gillian McCain, Taylor Mead, Sharon Mesmer, Stewart Meyer, Bob Mould, Eileen Myles, Ron Padgett, Simon Pettet, Wanda Phipps, Bob Rosenthal, Barney Rosset, Richard Seaver, Ira Silverberg, Laurie Stone, Lynne Tillman, Edwin Torres, David Trinidad, Paul Violi, Lewis Warsh, Hal Willner, Emily XYZ, John Yau, Nick Zedd, and others TBA.
De : Geert Lovink <>
À : Geert Lovink <>
Date : mercredi 20 janvier 1999 00:07
Objet : The Next 5 Minutes 3 - Conference & Festival on Tactical Media
Conference and Festival on Tactical Media Amsterdam & Rotterdam, 12-14 March, 1999
Themes and Programme
The third Next 5 Minutes, an Amsterdam based conference on tactical communications culture, featuring do-it-yourself
media, dissident art and electronic media activists from around the world, will take place on the 12th, 13th and
14th of March 1999.
The term 'tactical media' refers to a critical usage and theorisation of media practices that draw on all forms of
old and new, sophisticated and lucid media for achieving a variety of specific non-commercial goals and pushing all
kinds of potentially subversive political issues. N5M3 will move beyond the mere assertion of the net as new medium
and question what the wider social, cultural and political impact is of the fact that several media are now turning
digital. Furthermore, N5M3 will critically investigate the new political and economic constellations that evolve
around the new information and communication structures. The homogenising forces of convergence show how important
it is to maintain disparate, varied and independent media practices that make tactical usage of any kind of medium.
This subject matter will be taken on at two levels: a structural examination of empowering strategies in the new
informational environments which focuses on the notion of 'tactical networks', and a more intrinsic analysis which
concentrates on the idea of 'electronic borders'. The latter refers to the fact that in the information societies,
social, political and also cultural divisions are increasingly drawn along the lines of electronic media. In
discussing this, we are also looking beyond the West, highlighting the significance of different media in different
political and economic environments.
N5M3 will be a working conference, which will consist of a focused public program surrounded by a variety of
smaller-scale working sessions, seminars and workshops. The focus of the event will be on exchange of ideas,
experience, working methods, and the construction of long-term partnerships and network structures.
Further contents of this message are:
Core themes:
- The Art of Campaigning
- Post Governmental Organisation
- How Low Can You Go
- Tactical Education
Additional themes:
- Cyber Feminism / Feminism & Media Strategies
- Inter East Forum
- South Asia Forum
- Streaming Media /
- Amsterdam Media Debate
- Interfund Launch Meeting
- European Affairs
- Do It Yourself Space
- Screenings
- Insular Technologies
The idea for the Art of Campaigning topic originates from the works of the McLibel group []. Their type of net.campaign questions previous forms of activism, which was focused on the mass media and their ability to influence public opinion, by staging direct action (targeted at known media makers). Big NGO's such as Greenpeace have built up experiences with this model for decades. The scenarios they use have not changed much since the seventies. There is the usual PR material: official reports, books, folders, flyers, magazine and original video footage, shot on location. Campaigns are being planned long in advance. The way of working does not differ much from a campaign to launch a new product. Professionalism has taken over the task of volunteers. Their role is being reduced to that of a local support group, doing the actual grass roots work with the population.
Political campaigns these days do not just offer counter- information. When done the right way, in good spirits, the
Internet sites of these campaigns highjack data, hack into the corporate/state site, or at least they try to do so. Such
campaigns are living networks of people, groups, databases, not just dead information.
Why campaigns?
Campaigns these days are so important, because there are less and less radical, fast critical movements, that can gain momentum over a short period of time. The format of the campaign seems to be an appropriate answer to the (apparent) lack of political activities in the late nineties. Campaigns are less local. They can be done in a fragmented time frame, prepared over the Net and other communication means. Campaigns usually culminate into actual events; summer camps, demonstrations, the occupation of a certain object, where they bring people together from very different locations and backgrounds. Most campaigns require the work of dedicated technical (media) specialists and are multi-disciplinary by nature: video, dance, music, cooking, communication, radio, print, web sites, support groups elsewhere, etc.
The Art of Campaigning, for us, consists of two aspects. The first one deals with the question of methodology, the question of strategy and tactics. It deals with the question also why campaigning is becoming more important these days, in part as a sign of poverty, of the lack of real social and political movements. Though this issue is not specifically media-related, it does point towards the current attempts to break out of the closed autonomous and alternative ghettos, the leftovers of the eighties.
The time is over to be sentimental or pitiful about the amateurish "good will" character of campaigns. These days,
campaigns have changed their directions and topics, and are surprisingly ahead of the time. They truly embody and express all the urgent (global) political themes. Rather than being in need of help from professional advertisement specialists, we think they need to reconnect with tactical media. This touches the second aspect: the political aesthetics of campaigning. Alternative campaigns could learn a lot from designers, artists and other new media experts. And they in turn can learn a lot from the urgent agenda's that seek to express themselves through the new media channels.
For the conference we target at an open show element, in which a lot of different people can show their work and speak about them on stage. The program will conclude with a panel, in which the different strategies, models, and problems are being discussed. For this show, new guests can be brought in till the last five minutes...
But of course we will also invite some of the most interesting campaigners we encountered beforehand. First of all the "Sans Papiers" campaign from Paris [], and its German counterpart, the "Kein Mensch ist Illegal" campaign [ ], that both deal with the issue of refugees and immigration. These campaigns are both radical and media aware, overcoming the laming shift of the eighties when the notions of "alternative" and "media" (-technologies) seemed to exclude each other.
Another campaign, which is touching the PGO issue, is the anti- MAI campaign and the Global Action Network [] (which deals with trade issues). Another remarkable example is the Clean Clothes Campaign [], a global campaign that addresses working conditions in the textile industries around the world, with a particular emphasis on developing countries where the production work for the international garment industries is out-sourced, and working conditions are often appalling.
Next to a central debate there will be three additional workshops:
1. Net.activism
This is a forum on the current practices of counter Information and 'Electronic Civil Disobedience', critiques from activists and more technical criticisms from hackers. Is it enough to offer counter information on the web? Mailinglists and newsgroups these days are essential tools for political groups and social movements. (see for example:, There are more and more independent servers, but does the content ever leave the self-created information ghetto? Is it possible to escape alternative realms and attack the state and corporations in a more direct way? In what way hackers and activists could collaborate? Coordination: Geert Lovink, Patrice Riemens (, Carl Gunderian (
2. Panel discussion: Media campaigns against multi-nationals, counter strategies of corporations.
"The greatest threat to the corporate world's reputation comes from the Internet, the pressure groups newest weapon. Their agile use of global tools such as the Internet reduces the advantage that corporate budgets once provided." Quoted is a PR- manager who is trying to teach multinationals how to deal with modern day pressure groups, creatively using the power of the media sound bite.
Loosing control of the situation as result of the activities of a pressure group has become a nightmare scenario for the modern multinational enterprise. Some of them learn fast, from their enemies, from us that is. PR-companies are hired to change the worst scenario into a business opportunity. What are the modern times strategies of present day companies? How to pass by the PR-department of your local multinational? How to deal with these modern spin-doctors? See also: brenteng.htm. Coordination: Eveline Lubbers (
3. Meeting of the initiatives that deal with migrants and 'illegal' people (Sans Papiers, Kein Mensch Ist Illegal, Autonoom
Centrum, Fabel van de Illegaal etc.) Coordination: Florian Schneider (
* Art of Campaigning contact person: Geert Lovink (
One of the four main themes of the N5M3 is the 'Post-Governmental Organisation', a title that is meant more polemically than descriptively. The 'PGO' label raises the question of the practical, political and ethical implications of strong,
potentially global, independent organisations. The theme will be approached from different critical, analytical and ironic
perspectives in a public debate, and the PGO Design-Show ("Get Organised!").
The PGO Theme
The notion of the 'Post-Governmental Organisation' is obviously an ironic variation on the now well established concept of the NGO, the Non-Governmental Organisation. Over the past twenty or so years, NGO's have become important actors in the arena of national, international and global politics. The role of NGO's in the struggle for human rights, the ecology, debt relief, migrants' rights, humane working and living conditions, etc., is increasingly recognised by official political bodies. As a result, NGO's are now regularly represented at global eco-summits, they advise different UN institutions and are used as experts in court cases. Thus, NGO's are taking over tasks that traditionally were the domain of nation states, whether democratic or not. They become part of what Saskia Sassen has referred to as a 'crisis of governance', in which political decision-making and control is shifting away from national governments towards private and public NGO's of all sorts and types.
NGO's which do not only survey, criticise and complement such governmental structures, but which take on an active role in replacing government functions, can be called PGO's. The PGO theme will focus specifically on new non-institutionalised ways in which people organise themselves around cultural, social, and political concerns that emerge in the internationally networked communication environments.
This implies that the PGO cannot be seen as generally good or bad. Rather, the hypothesis of the PGO suggests that for many independent initiatives and organisations, the question of responsibility and power is changing in a fundamental way.
Whereas they used to be able to define themselves as the 'other' of given power structures, the erosion of hierarchical political structures has created a more heterogeneous political arena in which public agency is 'up for grabs'. Much of the political vacuum is created and filled by unholy alliances between political and private actors, who make sure that they benefit from the retreat of the nation state. But many well-meaning, morally sound, independent PGO are also finding themselves in a position where they have to switch from strategies of protest and campaigning, to strategies of political agency and the building of organisational structures.
The PGO theme at the N5M3 tries to straddle the double-sidedness of the theme. It tries to formulate a constructive critique of the PGO, pointing out its dangers and, at the same time, analysing the most creative and inspiring models for building PGOs. After all, there is a continuing need for new, critical and independent organisations that are able to challenge the debilitating and exploiting political structures that stifle large parts of the world. And why not learn from the successes and failures of Saatchi&Saatchi, Soros, the IMF, financial consulting companies and informal networks of independent radio producers?
Experience has shown that, in many ways, organisations like Greenpeace and Amnesty International are better equipped to deal with the conditions the new system of power create. This is partly due to the fact that they have always been organised as distributed, international entities, relying heavily on their communications infrastructures. They also seem to be more fit for the new environment because they are organised around spheres of interest rather than traditional geographic and socio- political structures. However, while the NGO's have become important actors in the arena of international and global politics, they have also become bureaucratic structures that often act as a 'state without the state', with little or no democratic accountability or legitimisation.
The PGO is neither East nor West, North or South, nor Post East/ West/Modern, it is rather an attempt at an answer to the contradictions and the syndromes of globalisation. Therefore, some people prefer to translate PGO as Post Global Organisation.
For them, the crucial question at this stage is not so much the relation with governmental structures, but how we can get over the myths of globalisation, and what the necessary organisational structures for this era beyond the ideology of globalism would be.
The challenge for the PGO strand at the N5M3 will be not to get stuck in an impasse, but to use the critical debate as a starting point for a fresh approach to the construction and the shaping of strong static organisations, both beyond stifling debates about the nation state as well as beyond the NGO question.
The PGO Design Show
Get Organized! Design Your Own Post-Governmental Organisation
As a part of the PGO debate, N5M3 will host a unique 'PGO Design Show, in which contributors will present the most and the least effective strategies for achieving global presence. The PGO Contest will offer models and counter-models, witty and serious, inspiring and ridiculous proposals for organisations that just _might_ change the world for the better.
An open call is issued to all those who have the blue-print for a Post-Governmental Organisation and who want to present it to an international audience of enthusiastic, desperate, and power-hungry minds.
After an initial selection, the most promising 15-20 model PGO's will be demonstrated and discussed during the PGO Design Gala at the N5M3.
Categories can cover a wide variety of areas like:
- the independent tactical Internet Service Provider - the PGO that legally issues passports to the Sans Papiers - the attorney who got rich on fighting the McLibel-case - the first virtual trade union for digital workers - the international company for helping illegal citizens crossing borders - the producer of the most effective infowar weaponry - the video company that won an Oscar with its promo video for the PMF (Proletarian Monetary Fund) - the Culture Board for cultures in ruin, which fights the state's disregard for culture - the PGO that recycles redundant, y2k-incompatible computer hardware to Silicon Alley's next generation - the Interfund that replaces public funding for media
culture (Create Your Own Solutions) - the Bureau of Investigation and Counter-Surveillance that tackles racism in police and other public organisations
Do Your Own PGO!
If you want to enter your own NGO design, please, get in touch with the editorial team at, with a short outline of your achievements and future plans.
* PGO contact person: Andreas Broeckmann (
HOW LOW CAN YOU GO? The Technical and the Tactical
Technology in The Next 5 Minutes
Next 5 Minutes 3 will counter the obsession with high technology that has been fashionable in media circles for quite some years. Instead of glitching the high-tech fantasies of many of the international art&tech events, N5M3 will make a vigorous effort to go low-tech.
Most media, and certainly common media, heavily depend on technology. "Media", actually is a term which is very hard to
define; in many meanings of the word "media", technology is already implied. N5M3 will focus not only on the tactical
potential of (new) media, it also wishes to reflect on the developments of media and media technology. The choice of media that we use, and the way we use these media is not completely self-evident or coincidental. Nor is it fully our own conscious decision. The construction of media technology instead is deeply political and political-economical.
The current technohype, propagating the consumption of computer technology with increasing speed, is an example of technology development that is hardly questioned. Even in 'leftist' environments it is taken for granted that every few years all computers must be replaced by brand new ones in order to be able to run the latest Windows or Mac version.
Showing long-forgotten media, redundant computers or provocatively silly machines, N5M3 will ironically glamorise
obsolete technology, and thus create some historic awareness and maybe form some kind of antidote to the hype. We will attempt to rewrite media history, perhaps to learn that the technology that survives is not necessarily the best.
Our high-tech hype is not just temporarily bound, but also spatially. What can high-tech computers do in countries where
villages hardly have water or food, let alone electricity and phone connections? Which media are most effective in rural mainly illiterate areas in India? How to develop media strategies if high-tech is for economic or political reasons completely absent?
Of course, N5M3 will also look at campaigns where current technology is being used. Can armchair electronic civil
disobedience be an effective campaigning strategy? Will the latest generation DV camcorders really contribute to the
democratisation of the tv image? How can consumer technology be used in a struggle for emancipation or for raising awareness?
How low can we go?
The core of the low-tech theme will be the grand "How Low Can You Go?" show on Friday night. The show will bring together a host of ironic, artistic, subversive attempts to ditch the tech barrier.
The show will present work of international groups who explore the aesthetics and charm of low-tech, and the amazing power of forgotten media. How low can we go? We see no reason to stop until the show is the over, which ultimately means that we will have to go from "low-tech" to "no-tech", which is exactly what we plan to do.
Additional workshop:
1. Tactical Radio Today: small transmitters and narrowcasting.. .The architectures of, both related to live events and sound archives (MPEG 3)... A taskforce to develop an open standard for streaming sounds... Laptop radio stations using and handy phones...
* How Low contact person: Gerbrand Oudenaarden (
Education can happen in many different contexts. Besides the formal learning institutions, education and learning is happening all the time in cultural and social contexts where people exchange ideas and experiences in a concentrated way. Art, culture and social action in the field of new media technologies contribute in an important way to creating awareness about the powerful effects of media, and help to raise media-literacy.
Education can also play a critical role in situations where profound social and political change is taking place. The
profusion of electronic media across many societies has accelerated the rate of social and political change throughout
the world, yet an answer as to how to develop appropriate educational models that can operate under rapidly changing
conditions has not been developed.
N5M3 wishes to explore new models of education and learning that can play a critical role in processes of social and political change. The emphasis will be placed on non- institutional forms of education, where media can play an empowering role for local communities and people's real-life concerns.
The Tactical Education strand within Next 5 Minutes 3 will bring together alternative strategies and models for learning that testify to a critical awareness of the powerful effects, and the multiple roles of media in our societies. The choices for a
particular medium in an educational process will depend to a large degree on the local context in which an initiative
operates. While a critical examination of distance learning models and the use of networked media for educational purposes may, for instance, be critical to bridge the traditionally large information gaps between urban centres and rural periphery in central and eastern Europe, community radio projects might be of much more importance in Nepal. In the US, on the other hand, a web centred project such as the Computer Clubhouse could be one crucial tool to involve inner-city youth in a learning process, whilst poetry slam sessions could be another.
Tactical Education will deal with new learning environments and media related models of learning that happen very much outside of the traditional context and institutions of education. The theme rather tries to develop the connection between the tactical, the media, and education.
The question of access to media and communication systems is only one side of the coin. Access without competence is a struggle already lost before it has begun. Media-literacy and competence in the use of both the old and the new media, is a crucial concern for Next 5 Minutes 3. Especially the innovative independent new media cultures that have emerged in recent years across the world, provide a fascinating insight in the new ways in which local communities can indeed be empowered by new media tools. At the same time they show an ability to see through the golden promises of the international media and ICT industries, and make a wide audience aware of the critical roles these media and technologies play in our daily lives, around the globe.
The theme will be organised through one main event, which consists of a grand Saturday night event in the Paradiso venue,
and through three subthemes:
1. The Bottom-up Learning Debate.
2. Conflict Resolution in Education.
3. Teaching the Teachers: How do we teach new media from political, cultural and tactical perspective? The aim is to
create a model for more critical educational stance and an educational syndicate (local or translocal) for local media-
* Tactical Education contact persons: Eric Kluitenberg
( and David Garcia (
The Next Cyberfeminist International conference will be held in Rotterdam from the 8th to the 11th of March 1999. This
conference, initiated by the cyberfeminist group Old Boys Network, is a follow-up on the first Cyberfeminist International,
which took place in 1997 at the Documenta X in Kassel, Germany. The three main topics at nCI will be Feminist Hacking, Women/ Media/Politics, and Activism. Conclusions, problems and points of view raised at nCI will be the further developed and put in a larger context at n5m3.
Cyberfeminism opens new possibilities for several forms of feminist zeal, both in the field of theory as in everyday practice. Issues of geographical embodied versus virtual identity and subjectivity, of feminist activism and hacktivism through the
net, of the relation to current everyday women's experiences, of the intersection with discourses on class, ethnicity, sexuality and geographical location, and of the relation with feminist histories will be addressed. Furthermore, the connection of cyberfeminism to various other media forms like the printed press, film, fax and e-mail used for feminist purposes will be explored at n5m3 as well as potential activist and theoretical alliances regarding common feminist goals.
* contact person: Ingrid Hoofd (
Ever since the sudden collapse of the Thai baht, in June 1997, the currency crisis in the Asia-Pacific region has grown into an economic crisis, and one not contained within the region. In the west, the crisis hit with all the force of a global media event, shattering the impression of an 'Asian economic miracle'. Of course there were those in both the west and the east who knew the shaky foundations of crony capitalism and global finance capital opportunism on which the miracle was built, but these voices subsisted in the margin. Now that economic recession has triggered political crisis, particularly in Indonesia, and in a different way, Malaysia, it is worth asking what role the media plays in the globalisation of capital and the growth dynamics of developing states. This forum will examine the ways in which social movements, trade unions and NGOs navigate the restricted information circuits -- not only in the East but also between East and West. How can tools such as video and the Internet be used? Can 'tactical media' make a difference?
* contact persons: Toshiya Ueno ( and
Geert Lovink (
During Next 5 Minutes 3 we want to devote special attention to media developments in the South-Asian region. A recent workshop for on the development of the Internet in South Asia asserts that "South Asia is the world's most illiterate region, and confronts myriad man-made and natural problems", and questions what role in particular networked media such as the Internet can play in overcoming these problems. Key representatives of important media-initiatives from the region will be invited for N5M3. We want to investigate how both the established media, as well as the Internet, can strengthen local communities. What are the specific problems the new media forms pose? The organisation of the media- and communications infrastructures differ strongly amongst the various countries. Local issues of censorship, lack
of access for the local population, difficulties in accessing media production means, if not direct obstruction of the free
distribution of media products (film, video, tv programs, web sites, etc) are some of the issues that will be discussed in the
wider international framework that N5M3 can provide.
* contact person: Eric Kluitenberg (
STREAMING MEDIA / and even is growing. More and more local radio stations are going virtual. It makes worldwide audiences possible and provides possibilities to circumvent local regulations. This relative freedom is dependent not on airwaves but on ISP's and increasingly on national regulations applied to Internet streams.
How free can be, and what obstacles can be expected?
How can blockades be prevented by using streaming media networking, mirroring sites, etc? B92 and other streaming media organisations are invited to talk tactics for the free flow of streaming media. Is there a need for some public domains ISP's where access for streaming independent mediamakers is guaranteed or is this the wrong model? Do we need networked distribution, or a central point of webcasting? Streaming media makes hybrid media use possible. During the N5M3 we want to give a platform for different groups to exchange formats, methods and content.
Different working methods, techniques, and enticing combinations of audio/video/texts and scripts, tactics for changing old into new media and vice versa will be explored. Many small-scale radio stations think it is beyond their means to start a virtual station. For them, special hands-on workshop for local community radio and tv stations will give an idea of what is needed and how a station can turn virtual.
* contact person: Nina Meilof (
In tactical media circles the Amsterdam local media environment has always been looked upon as an almost utopian model. However, the recent rescheduling of the two 'open channels', the blocks of broadcasting time that several organisations and initiatives had managed to keep intact over the past few years, has been fragmentised, if not almost obliterated. Furthermore, although the design of the digital public domain is an important question, we should not merely focus on this specific issue. The 'old' media are still very relevant today and will probably be so in the foreseeable future.
Since N5M has its roots in the unique and incredibly rich and diverse media culture that once existed in Amsterdam, we see it as our task to explore the mechanisms that have brought about the decline of this particular culture and to discuss potential future developments of the Amsterdam media infrastructure. We will do this in the form of a research project that will be launched during the N5M3 conference by a lecture and a panel discussion.
* contact person: Menno Grootveld (
The idea for the Interfund started in the context of a number of meetings of independent artists' initiatives in the field of net
culture, such as Art Servers Unlimited in London, the Net Radio Days Berlin and Xchange Unlimited in Riga. The Interfund is conceived as a real virtual fund for independent digital media art projects, a pool of shared resources, and a co- operative translocal structure. It is also an attempt of independent new media culture initiatives to stay independent and built a joint protection shield against bureaucratic structures and procedures.
The Interfund is an ironic post- governmental critique of the lack in interest by official cultural and political structures to
support this kind of independent new media culture, where these initiatives start to fund themselves rather than waiting for
outside support. On a more practical level the Interfund will be an access point to shared resources, skills and knowledge, as well as to (international) funding. The purpose of the meeting at N5M3 is to continue the discussion that started on how such a structure could actually work, and to develop a plan how to set up the Interfund and start its operation
* contact persons: Rasa Smite ( and Eric Kluitenberg (
The Europe Debate: Recently, several attempts have been made to bring together European independent initiatives, which work in the field of new media and cyber culture. Some of meetings have stressed on 'art and industry' whereas others have tried to counter balance the influence of big corporation, state-owned research labs and museums. Following the 'Practice to Policy' conference (Amsterdam, November 1997) and Linz (October 1998),
the debate is now focussing on workable models, which are not competing with small, existing networks but instead function as a sustainable support systems. At Next Five Minutes a proposal will be put on the table to create a 'European Cultural Backbone', a network of networks, aimed to distribute resources such as bandwidth and expertise.
Additional presentations:
1. presentation of the P2P (Practice to Policy) Book titled 'New Media Culture in Europe', dealing with issues like innovation, art, education and the public domain in contemporary Europe.
2. presentation of the Hybrid Media Lounge Site & CD-ROM: The Hybrid Media Lounge, a searchable web database and spinoff CD- Rom, will begin the visual mapping of electronically-driven cultural networking in Europe. Hundreds of organisations, mailing lists, projects and individuals across Europe will be invited to contribute information about themselves, their activities and their thoughts on networks via a special online response form.
The response page will open in mid-December 1998 and close at a mid-January deadline. The database will be set up by the Society for Old and New Media in Amsterdam, then passed on to another institution to be maintained, updated and altered, and passed on many more times after that. It is thus intended to be an ongoing collaborative project, which will periodically be saved in "freeze" form to provide a record of its development over time.
In general we seek to make a searchable database of initiatives that concern themselves with some culturally productive mission (1) involving the exchange and co-production of ideas and (2) making use of electronic networks. Each organisation's entry will list contact info, projects, publications and events; provide space for the entity to explain its mission and philosophy; and collect meaningful data that can be used to build an overall picture of relative resources and cultural-political contexts. Using information supplied by the organisations and individuals themselves, we will attempt to map the links and other relationships between them. This database will be contained on a website, and a "freeze" of the database contents will be made available on CD-Rom, which will be presented at N5M3. The CD-Rom will be publicly distributed by Hybrid Media Lounge organisations, will be for sale during N5M3, and will be distributed together with the book "New Media Culture in Europe".
* For more information, please contact the database editor at or go to:
Besides the core programme, Next Five Minutes 3 offers a range of platforms and facilities which participants can use. There will be the possibility to set up meetings, presentations, screenings and debates, even on short notice. There is a similar open structure for the live radio, television and internet channels, where individuals and groups can get time slots to tactical media they find of interest. The open structures will exist besides the edited and curated parts of the event. If you want to do such a workshop or program, please contact the editorial team at
A series of films and videos related to the tactical media theme will be screened at N5M3. There is also space available for screening recent material that deals with the conference themes. Suggestions, together with the tape content, title, format, running time, author/producer and contact person can be sent to the editorial team at
After the conference, V2_Organization in Rotterdam will host a five-day N5M3 workshop (15-19 March 99) on 'Insular Technologies', in co-operation with PACT Systems Ljubljana (Marko Peljhan and Borja Jelic). 'Insular Technologies' is a system for creating an autonomous, encrypted short-wave radio- based Internet backbone between media labs world-wide, set up with the aim of becoming less dependant on the current proprietary infrastructure.
The proposal for this IT project is the implementation and construction of a High Frequency (HF) radio, point to point secure analog-digital network first within Europe and its tactical media centres and further around the globe in the range of 1.6-30 MHz. The workshop will serve to discuss the technical, legal, political and organisational implications of the project, debouching into specific topics regarding wireless technology, encryption, international media law and marketing. In the long run, it will aim at the formation of the IT Consortium of media centres that will form the basis of the IT network.
* contact person: Andreas Broeckmann (
The Next 5 Minutes 3 is a joint effort of:
- The Society for Old and New Media (
- The Digital City (
- De Balie (
- Paradiso (
- V2_ Organisation (
- and many other organisations
The Next 5 Minutes 3
c/o De Balie
Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10, 1017 RR Amsterdam
The Netherlands
phone: +31-20-5579898, fax +31-20-5535155
-- Gerbrand Oudenaarden
-- producer N5M3
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(_)__ / _/__ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ / _ \/ _/ _ \/_ // _ \/ _ \/ -_)
/_/_//_/_/ \___//__/\___/_//_/\__/ présente <la voix XX>
>lun.18.1. >la voix XX + O.TOUATI+S.LEROY+R.GRISEY >18-22h
>mar.19.1. >la voix XX + Lyfta, M.YOSHIKAWA, D.WIECZOREK >15-24H
>mer.20.1. >la voix XX + Susana SULIC >20h
>jeu.21.1. >la voix XX + Olga KISSELEVA >20h
>ven.22.1. >la voix XX + Andrea LAUTERWEIN >20h
>sam.23.1. >la voix XX + Judith SIEGMUND >20h
>dim.24.1. >la voix XX + Marina CHABROL >20h
*Edition de T-shirt <infozone nostalgie> en vente à partir du mer.20.1.99 (Anne-Claire Budin et Élodie Huet)
Programme détaillé:
>lun.18.1. >la voix XX + O.TOUATI+S.LEROY+R.GRISEY >18-22h
Sophie LEROY & Raphael GRISEY
>Installation vidéo
>Installation Imaginaire, Sans Date, Sans Titre
>mar.19.1. >la voix XX + Lyfta, M.YOSHIKAWA, D.WIECZOREK >15-24H
Installation interactive avec l'ecriture et l'histoire d'oranges "Der Maskierte Leerlauf/Lost Message Dimension/Mot Le Dire"
Histoire d'oranges
>couper les oranges en deux
>les presser afin de séparer "le jus" et "la peau"
>mettre les peau par terre et le jus dans les goblets
>voir au mur le petit mot qui raconte une histoire d'oranges
>goûter l'orange pressée
>mer.20.1. >la voix XX + Susana SULIC >20h
"J'applique une génétique formelle ou les créations sont nées aussi d'un laboratoire hypertechnologique. Les multiples dans
leur dégradation dans l'espace-temps se ressemblent aux être vivants. Le point est pour moi l'élément clef du tissu plastique. Les pixels et les gènes, libérant l'a énergie sont aussi les subjets de mon travail." Susana Sulic
Installation >infolab trans-code
>jeu.21.1. >la voix XX + Olga KISSELEVA >20h
The art of Olga Kisseleva is concerned with communication. More precisely, with the possibility of communication between human beings. So what, you may ask? Is not this one of the main themes of the twentieth century art in
general, from expressionism to existentialism? Yes+ADs- but every generation has to answer this question anew, for itself -- for the possibility to have communication, as well as mis-communication, emerges in a different way in each period. In the case of Kisseleva's generation, its formation was shaped by two most amazing events, the events which, together, came to define the end of the twentieth century.
The first event, taking place in second half of the 1980s: the end of Communism, the dissolution of the Soviet block, the disappearance of the Big Other of this century. The result: communication chaos. The second event, taking place in the first half of the 1990s: Internet. New communication utopia: +ACI-COMPUTERS OF ALL COUNTRIES, CONNECT +ACEAIg-.
The artist asked the question of people in different countries. She entered the received answers into a computer and created hyperlinks between them. The answers came to form a single text. A collective answer, which assumes a
collective subject. But this collective subject is created by the artist. She attempted, in other words, to create a whole, a utopian unity out of fragments, the fragments of individual minds, individual beings, pieces of
TV news, memories, languages, customs, pop culture, and so on. The resulting communication utopia has a distinctly late twentieth form of hypertext.
Maybe this is the only kind of unity possible today, or at least the kind of unity which is true to the mosaic nature of fragments it brings together ?+ICY-
>ven.22.1. >la voix XX + Andrea LAUTERWEIN >20h
"I know, however, of a young chronophobiac who experienced something like panic when looking for the first time at homemade movies that had been taken a few weeks before the birth. He saw a world that was practically unchanged - the same house, the same people - and then realized that he did not exist there at all and that nobody mourned his
A. Lauterwein, "Souvenirs volés" : du parasitage / recyclage technologique de la mémoire humaine.
>sam.23.1. >la voix XX + Judith SIEGMUND >20h
"Berlin Plantation-Club"
A video-documentation of Judith SIEGMUND (1998) VHS, 53 min
Cut: Achim Bendix
Music: Bertram Denzel
What is at the Plantation-Club typically for Berlin? This question I often placed myself . The people who work
there, are coming from all directions but it connects for one nevertheless that they remained in Berlin. And thus
they present the city, which somehow also took up them, and in which they try to live their ideas and way of life.
The Plantation club does not only live by its mechanism, which one sees if one occurs, it lives also by the people,
which operate in it. All coworkers of the Plantation-Club are in the night life at home, some operate also in other
clubs in Berlin. But in addition they use the work or the cash around other things to do. They represent typical
citizens of Berlin ways of life.
By the example of Plantation-Club can be shown special page of Berlin, which will disappear perhaps also in the
page make-up of the city - or not. The Plantation-Club is not special in be-being that characteristic as night-club,
however he belongs to clubs of Berlin that is recently not much chicken and well designed. Its improvised mechanism
and operation are symbolically for the tendency of Berlin in the passed years.
During the cut work,
on 4 November 1998 the Plantation-Club burned down.
>dim.24.1. >la voix XX + Marina CHABROL >20h
Installation: déclarations
*Edition de T-shirt <infozone nostalgie> en vente à partir du
mer.20.1.99 (Anne-Claire Budin et Élodie Huet)
20 rue des ecouffes
75004 paris
metro: st.paul
Tel. 33(0)143469838
Fax. 33(0)147035080
a temporary workspace for presentation
creation and discussion in paris / france
De : Jeff Bennett <>
Date : dimanche 3 janvier 1999 09:17
Objet : Pride 1999
Happy New Year!
Join your friends from this June - at San Francisco's annual Pride Celebration and Parade.
We're inviting community members from around the world to the Celebration and Parade on June 26 and 27.
Everyone's *Ultimate Experience* will be marching with the contingent in the world's largest Pride Parade; and a private party for community members after the Parade.
This is the perfect opportunity to finally shake hands with someone you met in the chat rooms.
Check-out our party link below for more information.
You've got six months to make your plans and pack your bags!
See you there,
Join Us for the Ultimate Experience
infozone program 17.1.99 :
(_)__ / _/__ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ / _ \/ _/ _ \/_ // _ \/ _ \/ -_)
/_/_//_/_/ \___//__/\___/_//_/\__/ présente <sound politics>
>sam 9.1. >sound politics + Winows 00 >15-22h
>dim 10.1. >sound politics + Aligre FM >15-22h
>lun.11.1. >sound politics + Etienne Cliquet / Johannes Maier >15-22h
>mar.12.1. >sound politics + Frédéric Drouillon & Lionel Pollard 19-22h
>mer.13.1. >sound politics + Studio Mobile >15-22h
>jeu.14.1. >sound politics + stock, hausen & walkman & ng >19h
>ven.15.1. >sound politics + Cédric Pigot >15-22h
>sam.16.1. >sound politics + Bernhard Loibner >19h
>dim.17.1. >sound politics + Evarevox >15-22h
<sound politics> Faisons le point sur le réseau de ceux qui
pratiquent le son. La conccurence artistique semble de plus
en plus se focaliser sur le medium sonore. Nombres d'installations
sonores, djing, expositions thématique, etc... Nous avons une
semaine pour décoder la politique sonore des réalités multiples
et déceler le programme à l'initiative du son dans l'art
contemporain. A travers des informations, interventions,
présentations, diffusions, médiation et médiatisation,
du 09. Janvier au 17. Janvier, "Infozone" sera à l'écoute.
*technologie insonore de Sonia Marques itinérante
program en detail:
>sam 9.1. >Winows 00 >15-22h
>dim 10.1. >Aligre FM >15-22h
Dimache du son
>Studio enregistrement (15-19h)
>Boum du son (19-22h)
>lun.11.1. >Etienne Cliquet / Johannes Maier >15-22h
Etienne Cliquet >Vieux bébé / Diffusion sonore
Johannes Maier >recent video works
>mar.12.1. Frédéric Drouillon & Lionel Pollard 19-22h
Presentation de programmes informatiques sonores
>mer.13.1. >Studio Mobile >15-22h
Vincent Epplay & Pierre Giner
Sentimental phone sonic
>jeu.14.1. >stock, hausen & walkman & ng >19h
>ven.15.1. >Cédric Pigot >15-22h
Diffusion sonore
>sam.16.1. >Bernhard Loibner >19h
>dim.17.1. >Evarevox >15-22h
Installation / Diffusion sonore
20 rue des ecouffes
75004 paris
metro: st.paul
De : reynald drouhin <>
À : Reynald <>
Date : mercredi 6 janvier 1999 17:55
Objet : metaorigines
Bonjour, je me permet de vous (t') écrire a propos du projet : "métaorigines". in english at this adress :
Présentation :
La photographie qui ce trouve à cette adresse : est la première image d'une suite, série ou séquence. La proposition qui est faite au spectateur est d'en achever la conception.
"métaorigine" se veut une proposition plastique interactive ; je vous demande d'inventer une suite possible à cette photographie numérique (sous forme de texte, video ou son).
Pour cela vous pouvez vous servir de moi comme d’un réalisateur en soumettant votre proposition ou synopsis .
Vous pouvez m'adresser vos idées en remplissant le formulaire à cette adresse : ou en repondant à ce mail :
(vous pouvez lier un fichier attaché), vous pouvez également m’écrire ou me téléphoner :
31 rue de Paris, 94190 Villeneuve St. Georges, France ? tél : 06 86 84
42 17.
En partant d'un simple concept "avant/après" comme dans les publicités comparant une opération du nez ou la repousse de cheveux (sur deux photos), j'essaie avec l'aide du spectateur/createur de construire, tant au niveau théorique que
plastique, une proposition interactive.
"métaorigine" sera réalisé suivant les réponses que vous voudrez bien me soumettre et dans mes possibilitées de réalisation.
Merci de votre participation (je vous tiendrais informé de la suite de ce projet).
travail en évolution (work in progress) :
0. Prise de vue numérique avec le modèle, le vendredi 11 décembre 1998.
1. Montage sur photoshop.
2. Présentation du projet " métaorigine " , dans le cadre d’une exposition organisée par Clarisse Hahn : A/P/C (Atttente/Programme/Conférence) le samedi 19 décembre 1998 à Infozone (Jens Gebhart), 20 rue des écouffes, 75004 Paris.
3. Mise en ligne du projet : vendredi 18 décembre.
4. Proposition par mail ou oralement (diffusion sur différents médias).
5. Réalisation.
6. Re-présentation sur internet des textes, photos et vidéos.
7. Exposition dans une galerie...
merci de votre (ta) proposition.
a bientot
De : <infozone>jens gebhart <>
À : <>
Date : lundi 4 janvier 1999 14:06
Objet : infozone program 4.-8.1.1999
_ ___
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/ / _ \/ _/ _ \/_ // _ \/ _ \/ -_)
/_/_//_/_/ \___//__/\___/_//_/\__/ goes <bed&breakfast> 4.-8.1.99
>lun.4.1. >bed&breakfast
>mar.5.1. >bed&breakfast + Ludovic Burel / Cours réseau >20h
>mer.6.1. >bed&breakfast
>jeu.7.1. >bed&breakfast + Olivia Touati / Installation >20h
>ven.8.1. >bed&breakfast + yorix & ODA / Présentation mode >20h
program en detail:
>mar.5.1. >bed&breakfast + Ludovic Burel / Cours réseau >20h
Etude détaillée de l'en-tête du datagramme IP
(Internet Protocole).
>jeu.7.1. >bed&breakfast + Olivia Touati / Installation >20h
Untitled, Imaginary Insttallation, Undated
Sans Titre, Installation Imaginaire, Sans Date
>ven.8.1. >bed&breakfast + yorix & ODA / Présentation mode >20h
head and body colours 1999
Step into a space fantastic-colourful wigs, T-Shirts, made in 18th century tailoring quality, fine silk dresses and paintings,
corresponding the fashion pieces, you see in real.
infozone goes <bed&breakfast> 4.-8.1.99
Spend a relaxing night in one of our Sixteen individually decorated guest rooms. Our rooms have private baths, air
conditioning, and other conveniences for your comfort. Each room is furnished with hand-made quilts and country
In the morning, awaken to a new day and a cup of fresh brewed coffee or a selection of fine teas. A delicious full breakfast which includes a variety of fine dishes is served each morning. Guests may enjoy their meal in the great room or in our cozy dining room. Afternoon refreshments, including cookies and lemonade or, on cooler days, hot spiced apple cider or hot chocolate, are also provided.
The atmosphere of the bed&breakfast is warm, relaxed, and friendly. You are invited to join the relaxed conversation before the large native stone fireplace with your hosts - infa, infe & info -- and other guests in the Great Room. You may simply decide to watch our large screen TV with VCR, play one of a variety of our board games, or curl up with a good book from our library.
For our corporate travelers, there is access to a fax machine and IBM-compatible computers. Talk to us about reserving the entire bed&breakfast for business meetings, retreats, or reunions.
Infozone Rules
1. The number one rule here at infozone is to enjoy yourself while you're here. This rule cannot be broken!
2. When entering or leaving by car please drive slowly.
3. Guests should please observe the infozone custom of removing their shoes at the bottom of the stairs before entering.
4. Please no smoking in the house. Smoking is permitted on the deck.
Booking Information
RATES are based on a maximum 2 person occupancy, 100FF/per night tax payable by credit card, traveler's check, personal check or cash per night. Reservations can me made by telephone or e-mail.
20 rue des ecouffes
75004 paris
metro: st.paul
Tel. 33(0)143469838
Fax. 33(0)147035080
a temporary workspace for presentation creation and discussion in paris / france
De : Geert Lovink <>
Date : samedi 12 décembre 1998 16:59
Objet : n5m3
-- announcement -- please forward --
Next 5 Minutes 3
Conference on Tactical Media
Amsterdam & Rotterdam, 12-14 March, 1999
The third Next 5 Minutes, an Amsterdam based conference on tactical communications culture, featuring DIY media, dissident art and electronic media activists from around the world, will take place on the 12th, 13th and 14th of March 1999.
The term 'tactical media' refers to a critical usage and contextualisation of media practices that draw on all forms of old and new media for achieving a variety of specific non-commercial goals and pushing all kinds of potentially subversive political issues. The net as a medium has by now been well established, both in discourse as well as practice. N5M3 will
move beyond the mere assertion of this new medium and question what the wider social, cultural and political impact is of the fact that virtually all media are now turning digital, and of the new political and economic constellations that evolve around the new (global) information and communication structures. The necessity of a heterogeneous media culture
does not end with digital convergence, on the contrary; the homogenising forces of convergence show how important it is to maintain disparate, varied and independent media practices that make tactical usage of any kind of medium. This subject matter will be taken on at two levels: a structural examination of empowering strategies in the new informational
environments which focuses on the notion of 'Tactical Networks', and a more intrinsic analysis which concentrates on the idea of 'Electronic Borders'. The latter refers to the fact that in the information societies, social, political and also cultural divisions are increasingly drawn along the lines of electronic media. In discussing this, we are also looking beyond the West, highlighting the significance of different media in different political and economic environments.
N5M3 is centered around four topics for discussion:
The Art of Campaigning
The 'Art of Campaigning' focuses on the media strategies employed by groups around the world who are fostering their social and political aims via media campaigns. There are a number of examples of such campaigns that use highly diverse strategies and types of media, like the Clean Clothes Campaign, the Bandwidth campaign, the McLibel-case and the Sans Papiers campaign. Campaigns like these and the specific media strategies they employ will be an important topic for N5M3.
How Low Can You Go
In several conferences and campaigns, for instance in the Bandwidth campaign, the economic and political structures of access were investigated. Discussions and campaigns like these revealed how deeply political the construction of technology is and how dramatic its effects in terms of both social exclusion and inclusion. Therefore, instead of
merely focusing on the tactical posibilities of new digital media, new movements for the specific promotion of low-tech, i.e. cheap, established and accessible technology, will be presented, discussed and developed at N5M3.
Tactical Education
Besides the formal learning institutions, education is happening all the time in cultural and social contexts where people exchange ideas and experiences in a concentrated way. Art, culture and social action in the field of new media technologies contribute in an important way to creating awareness about the powerful effects of media, and help to raise
media-literacy N5M3 wishes to explore new models of education that can play a critical role in processes of social and political change.
The Post-Governmental Organisation
NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) have become important actors in the arena of international and global politics, taking over tasks that traditionally were the domain of nation states. As such, NGOs are part of the re-definition of the role of national governments which combines the advantage of greater international control of global issues like human
rights and the ecology, with the disadvantage of a decrease in democratic accountability of some of the global actors. The debate about such Post-Governmental Organisations deals with the double-edged nature of this new form of governance, for which the tactical use of networking technologies and other media has proven to be a powerful tool.
Concentrating on the opportunities and dangers of organising social, cultural and political action beyond the politics of the nation state, N5M3 will host a unique 'PGO Contest', in which contributors will present the most and the least effective strategies for achieving global presence.
Structure of the Event
N5M3 will be a working conference, which will consist of a focused public program surrounded by many smaller scale working sessions, seminars and workshops. The focus of the event will be on exchange of ideas, experience, working methods, and the construction of long-term partnerships and network structures. A series of follow-up workshops about
tactical uses of satellite technology and other topics will be held at V2_Organisation Rotterdam between the 15th and the 19th of March 1999.
For more information please contact: The Next 5 Minutes email: web: Society for Old and New Media
Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam, The Netherlands Phone: +31-20-5579898,
fax +31-20-5579880
De : belouin <>
À : <>
Date : samedi 5 décembre 1998 23:09
Objet : Deplacements
Actuellement carte blanche à GLASSBOX
(Chez l'un l'autre (Déplacements) Galerie Anton Weller)
Avec Jan Kopp-Stefan Nikolaev-Sandie Tourle-Frédéric Beaumes-Laurence Delaquis-Pierre Belouin-Gemma Shedden-Eric Tabucchi -Yoon Kyung-Jun Takita-Théophile Billich-
Prolongement jusqu'au 22 Décembre, tous les jours de 16h00 à 20h00 au 95, rue du Cherche Midi 75 006 Paris
Vernissage le 11 Decembre à 18hOO FLUX - GALERIE ANTON WELLER
Avec Jakob Gautel-Wyn Geleynse-Jean François Guiton-Laura Lamiel et... Isabelle Levenez-S.Lessard er T.Bauman-Aernout mik-Julien Prévieux-Marc Solal-Sylvain Sorgato-Fiona Tan- Claudio Triozzi-Dana Wyse-Anna m.Abelo
Revues java - musica falsa
De : jens gebhart <>
À : <>
Date : lundi 16 novembre 1998 14:25
Objet : infozone program 15-21.11.98
PROGRAM 15-21.11.98
> dimanche 15.11.-21.11 Virginie Yassef: bubble (installation) 19h
> lundi 16.11. Hors Circuit (présentation) 19h
> mardi 17.11. Ludovic Burel: UNIX (initiation) 19h
> mercredi 18.11. Guillaume Poulain: SFR (installation video) 19h
> jeudi 19.11. Olivier Auber: GENERATEUR POIETIQUE (présentation) 19h
> vendredi 20.11. arosa 2000 (présentation CD + bar) 19h
> samedi 21.11. Martin Schmid: Create a new lie (install + perform) 19h
> dimanche 15.11.-21.11 Virginie Yassef: bubble (installation) 19h
bubble, bubble, bubble (installation)
Il n'est pas question de.
Aménager un espace à soi.
Il n'y a pas grand chose à dire.
> lundi 16.11. Hors Circuit (présentation) 19h
Rencontres Internationales Hors Circuit Paris / Berlin est une action
culturelle transdisciplinaire, en faveur de la création contemporaine
dans les domaines du cinéma, de la vidéo, des installations et de la
Le Projet Hors Circuit a pour objectif principal la diffusion de
créations dans les domaines envisagés auprès d'un large public, et
la dynamisation des échanges entre artistes, réalisateurs, jeunes
créateurs et acteurs de la vie artistique et culturelle. Cet
événement non commercial est organisé par Roaratorio, Association
Loi 1901 à But Culturel, dont deux équipes à Paris et Berlin
assurent le fonctionnement et la coordination.
> mardi 17.11. Ludovic Burel: UNIX (initiation) 19h
Dans le cadre d'INFOZONE, Burel L.vous propose "12 jours de JAVA",
tous les mardis à 19 h.:
une initiation aux systèmes d'exploitation (Unix, Windows NT), à la
programmation orientée objet, aux techniques de systèmes de gestion
de base de donnée (Merise, Uml, Oracle).
> mercredi 18.11. Guillaume Poulain: SFR (installation video) 19h
> jeudi 19.11. Olivier Auber: GENERATEUR POIETIQUE (présentation) 19h
Creation graphique collective en temps reel sur le web
Recherche art et science sur les phenomenes collectifs temps reels
Le Generateur Poietique est maintenant accessible sur le web 24h/24 avec
un Mac ou un PC + Explorer ou Navigator, sans aucun plug-in. Pour le
moment, les experiences prennent la forme de courtes sessions annoncees
a l'avance de maniere a rassembler en meme temps le plus de participants
possible. Notez ci-dessous la prochaine date et pensez a prevenir des
L'image collective visible sur ce site sera aussi projetee et commentee
en continu dans l'espace INFOZONE
(Espace temporaire et independant de presentation, de creation et de
20 rue des ecouffes. 75004 paris. Metro: St. Paul.
Vous etes les bienvenus !
Les logiciels rendant possible cette interaction collective en temps
reel sur l'internet ont ete realises par de nombreux contibuteurs, en
particulier par plusieurs eleves et chercheurs de l'Ecole Nationale
Superieure des Telecommunications (ENST, Paris). Remerciements speciaux
a Antoine Le Gal !
(vous pouvez aussi en proposer d'autres --->
- 6 mars 1999. Conference sur l'art en ligne. Musee Royal de Marimont.
- 13, 14, 15 mars 1999. Exposition + installation de realite virtuelle
"Le tresor des Nibelungen - work in progress". Centre Georges Pompidou.
Avec Emmanuel Maa Berriet (RV). Thierry Fournier (musique). Production :
A+H & associes.
POIETIC GENERATOR ========================= [ English version ]
Real-time collective graphic creation on the web
Art and science research on real-time collective phenomena
The Poietic Generator is now accessible on the web 24 hours a day, with
a Mac or a PC + Explorer or Navigator, without any plug-in. For the
moment, experiments consist of short sessions announced a few days
before in order to get together as many participants as possible. Please
check below the date of the next one and inform some friends!
The collective image available on this site will be also displayed and
commented in real time at INFOZONE
(Temporary workspace for presentation, creation and discussion in Paris)
20 rue des ecouffes. 75004 paris. Metro: St. Paul.
You are welcome!
The software which makes the PG live over the network has been developed
by many contributors, mainly students and researchers from the "Ecole
Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications" (ENST, Paris). Special
thanks to Antoine Le Gal !
(you may also have other ideas --->
- March 6 1999. "Net art" conference. Musee Royal de Marimont. Belgium.
- March 13, 14, 15 1999. Exhibition + virtual reality environment
"The treasure of the Nibelungen - work in progress". Georges Pompidou
Center. Paris
With Emmanuel Maa Berriet (VR). Thierry Fournier (music). Producer : A+H
& associes.
> vendredi 20.11. arosa 2000 (présentation CD + bar) 19h
présentation du CD: the electronic dream plant* by stardax & pink elln
présentation du CD: arosa gardens 1995
> samedi 21.11. Martin Schmid: Create a new lie (install + perform) 19h
Base of the work forms a collection of slogans created since some time.
Remarkable theses /statements / slogans... are input and stored
chronologically into a computer. The collection oftexts is output
to material of different artistic conversions to most diverse media.
In the infozone workspace text fragments appear as wall- and video
work, main accent is situated on the guests / visitors to produce
own or freely reminded statements (theses, truths or pure lies) .
These are noted on air ballongs and collected in the infozone workspace.
To 22.11.98 at 4 pm, we let rise to take off your air ballongs.
20 rue des ecouffes
75004 paris
metro: st.paul
Tel. 33(0)143469838
Fax. 33(0)147035080
a temporary workspace for presentation
creation and discussion in paris / france
De : belouin <>
À : <>
Date : samedi 14 novembre 1998 00:59
Objet : +8+7+3+1-1-5
L'association CHOOSE ONE, vous convie au vernissage de l'exposition
(Taïpei, Bangkok, Moscou, Paris, Dublin, New York)
avec les artistes : Claudia&Julia MÜLLER-Nawajul BOONPUCKNAVIG-
Michael SHOAWANASAI- Hsia-Fei CHANG-Fiona TAN-Magali CLAUDE-Rachel
le jeudi 19 novembre
à Glassbox, au 113 bis rue Oberkampf Paris XI
Le Titre +8+7+3+1-1-5 est une simple transcription du décalage horaire
entre les six villes où cette série de présentations aura lieu et où
résident les artistes invités. Qu'ils vivent à Moscou, Paris ou Bangkok,
nombreux sont les artistes qui voyagent fréquemment d'une ville à
l'autre.Ces va-et-vient n'ont rien à voir avec le tourisme. Loin d'être
un choix délibéré, ils sont la conséquence inévitable de l'expansion des
communications intercontinentales et des opportunités d'exposition. La
multiplication des contacts affecte profondément la façon de penser des
artistes ainsi que le contenu de leur travail et les réactions des
divers publics. Cette présentation a pour but de mettre en lumière la
diversité des solutions envisagées aux conflits de la vie contemporaine
dans différents contextes culturels.
L'exposition comprend un programme vidéo de 60 minutes qui offre un
vaste choix de pièces courtes réalisées par des artistes qui utilisent
actuellement l'image en mouvement pour poser des questions essentielles
liées aux comportements sociaux sur un mode parfois humoristique,
parfois tragique. Pour la plupart, ces oeuvres sont narratives,
expérimentales et produites avec un minimum d'équipement. Aux antipodes
des habituels vidéo-clips, elles sont compréhensibles dans n'importe
quel langage. Elles documentent de courts moments saisis sur le vif ou
présentent des séquences animées d'invention visuelle.
Qu'elles soient réelles ou fictives, les distances spatio-temporelles se
reflètent dans un large éventail de différences et spécificités
culturelles. De ce fait, on a demandé aux dix artistes choisis de
proposer un maximum de dix instantanés photographiques concernant les
villes où leurs travaux sont présentés. Ces voyages virtuels permettent
d'ajouter un point de vue documentaire subjectif: à chaque étape le
travail de chacun acquiert une nouvelle audience et s'enrichit de deux
visuels. Les artistes ont toute liberté pour choisir les images ou les
mots qu'ils considèrent adéquats dans le cadre de leur travail et en
rapport avec les différents publics.
Dans chaque ville le programme vidéo restera inchangé, les visuels
s'enrichiront à chaque itinérance des nouveaux instantanés que les
artistes apporteront. Cette présentation simultanée de deux formes
distinctes permettra de mieux apprécier leur impact respectif et leur
mode de production. Les oeuvres bénéficieront aussi des perspectives
offertes par la variété de contextes urbains où elles seront présentées.
Cécile Bourne, commissaire de l'exposition pour l'association Choose
La première présentation s'est tenue à Moscou début juillet à l'occasion
duMoscow Forum of Art Initiatives. Ce projet est soutenu par la
Fondation Soros, Mondriaan Stichting et l'AFAA, . La prochaine
présentation aura lieu à Glassbox, Paris, du 19 novembre au 5 décembre
1998. Glassbox est un espace sans but lucratif, géré par des artistes
avec le soutien de la DRAC, Direction Régionale des Affaires
Culturelles, ainsi que des mécènes privés. Projet 304, Bangkok, prévu
pour mars 1999/Camera Obscura, San Casciano dei Bagni, près de Rome,
prévu pour avril 1999/It park Gallery, Taïpei, prévu pour mai 1999.
CHOOSE ONE, association loi 1901- 91 rue Villiers de l'Isle Adam- 75020
T/01 44 62 71 93-F/01 44 62 74 47- T/06 85 800 923-
né en 1965, vit et travaille à Bangkok
"The Bugs"/"Les Insectes", 1995
Film 16mm, présenté ici en vidéo, noir&blanc, 4mn.
Ce court-métrage est une chronique kafkaïenne d'une sobriété brillante,
contient des prises de vue impressionnantes sur un acteur et des
cafards.Cette production, qui a remporté le premier prix du First Thai
Short Film Festival*, a été rendue possible lorsque la société employant
Nawajul, Siam Studio, a décidé d'encourager ses employés à réaliser des
films par eux-mêmes. À l'heure actuelle, il travaille comme réalisateur
pour Bandits Production House. Après avoir obtenu une licence en
sciences politiques de l'Université de Ramkhamhaeng, il a continué sa
carrière académique à l'Université de Californie à Los Angeles (UCLA)
avec des études de production cinématographique avant de retourner en
Thaïlande pour travailler chez Bandits. (*Premier Festival Thaï du
né en 1964 en Thaïlande, vit et travaille à Chicago et à Bangkok
"Exotic 101"/"Exotique. Mode d'emploi", 1997
Vidéo, couleur, son, 7mn.
Michael Shoawanasai, né en Thaïlande considère les problèmes posés par
l'expansion de l'industrie du sexe à travers la notion d'exotisme. Il
s'appuie sur la double perspective de son identité sexuelle et de son
contexte culturel local pour construire les éléments essentiels de sa
vidéo "Exotique. Mode d'emploi", cours complet: comment devenir exotique
en sept minutes? Facile à suivre. Chaque minute d'instruction passée
ensemble vous donnera la leçon de votre vie. Bien qu'il soit né en
Thaïllande, Michael a vécu la moitié de sa vie aux États-Unis où il se
sentait considéré comme une personne "exotique". Il choisit ici de
mettre l'accent sur cette notion en tournant son regard vers les
personnes pressenties comme non-exotiques et en les engageant à changer
de rôle, à tenter de faire l'expérience de la situation contraire. La
distinction même entre "exotisme" et "non-exotisme" est la source de
fructueuses interactions. Dans ses vidéos, Shoawanasai examine les rôles
de divers protagonistes, go-go boys/clients, hôtes/touristes,
vendeurs/acheteurs. Gridthiya Gaweewong, directrice de Project 304,
Hsia-Fei CHANG
née en 1973 à Taïpei, vit à Bordeaux et Taïpei
"Mon frère chez le coiffeur", 1997
Vidéo, couleur, son, 5mn.
Actuellement étudiante à l'École des Beaux-arts de Bordeaux, Hsia-Fei
juxtapose des textes d'observation ou d'imagination. Des contes d'amour
et de voyage se succèdent sous forme de courtes séquences qui
documentent aussi des épisodes ordinaires de sa vie: son frère chez le
coiffeur, la toilette de son chien, l'anniversaire de sa grand-mère
etc...Pour l'exposition Tu parles/J'écoute à Taïpei, ces vidéos
défilaient sur un moniteur placé à même le sol, entouré de fleurs
synthétiques. L'installation évoquait le culte funéraire taïwanais des
ancêtres. Avec des moyens dérisoires, Hsia-Fei nous propose de regarder
sa propre situation entre l'Orient et l'Occident en partageant avec nous
quelques moments de distance et de proximité.
Fiona TAN
née en 1976 en Indonésie vit et travaille à Amsterdam
"Totenklage/Lacrymosa"/"Complainte des morts/Avec des larmes", 1994/1997
Vidéo, couleur et noir&blanc, son, 4mn.
Ce petit film est un plaidoyer contre l'oubli. Il impressionne autant
qu'il inquiète. Il est dédié à Ciro Lamarco, mort du SIDA le 12
septembre 1993. Au cours des deux ans durant lesquels elle travaillait
dans un cinéma d'Amsterdam, Fiona a collectionné des restes de bobines
35mm. Cette récupération systématique s'est déroulée parallèlement à
l'avancée de la maladie chez Ciro. Les images rescapées (extraits de
documentaires, reportages, fictions) sont ainsi devenues la matière
première de "Totenklage/Lacrymosa". La bande sonore de cette pièce, un
requiem, a été spécialement composée par Gregory Whitehead et exécutée
sous sa direction. La continuité du film est interrompue par un
renversement: vers la fin les images sont à l'envers et on ne peut plus
lire les sous-titres. Il n'y a plus là que la trace d'une disparition,
une dissolution et une décomposition de tout sens, de toute
signification. Dans "Totenklage/Lacrymosa", Fiona s'engage clairement en
donnant une dimension universelle à une expérience personnelle. Extrait
d'un texte de Jorinde Seydel, critique d'art et rédactrice-en-chef de
née en 1970 à Limerick, vit et travaille en Irlande
"Grave Dancing"/ "La danse des tombes", 1997
Vidéo, couleur, son, 4mn.
"Mon travail est le résultat de plusieurs années de recherche sur la
danse et ses origines. J'ai examiné diverses pratiques rituelles telles
que la "Danse des morts" ou la danse contemporaine dans les boîtes de
nuit et autres lieux telles que les "Rave". Ce qui nous pousse à danser,
c'est un désir inscrit dans la nature humaine, un désir qui remonte aux
temps les plus anciens. "Grave Dancing" offre la possibilité de voir le
danseur d'en-bas et de ressentir le contact avec la terre, l'impact de
chaque pas. La position du spectateur lui donne l'impression d'être
littéralement sous le danseur et donc presque sous terre, peut-être dans
une tombe. Le flip-flop des pas dans la boue ajoute une musique de fond
qui reflète les rythmes internes du corps tout comme la musique qui
inspire la danse elle-même".
Txuspo POYO
né en 1963 à Alsasua, vit et travaille à Brooklyn
"Safe", 1998
Vidéo Beta SP, caméra digitale, couleur, son, 4.1/2mn
Txuspo appartient à une génération partagée entre différentes identités
culturelles. Originaire du Pays Basque, mais vivant aujourd'hui à
l'étranger comme beaucoup de ses contemporains, les contacts de cet
artiste avec le monde extérieur sont fragmentaires voire compartimentés
en autant de poches de temps vécu ou à vivre. À travers un clair
processus de montage, "Safe" opère une déconstruction de diverses
fictions possibles à partir de situations similaires. Avec une joie
non-dissimulée, l'artiste défait et refait des configurations de pixels
et des logotypes cinématographiques à partir de codes numériques et
analogues. Son travail est axé sur les questions du contrôle des images
et de la censure.
née en 1969 à Bologoye, vit à Saint-Petersbourg
"Beauty of nature itself (Snails)", 1996
Vidéo, Hi8, couleur, son, 4mn
Edition réalisée avec Nickolay Palazhenko, 1998.Depuis 1996, Natalia
pratique la performance. Elle a été directrice artistique au Théâtre
Alexandrinsky et à l'Open Theatre de St Petersbourg, au Pistol Theatre,
Stockholm. "Beauty of nature itself (Snails)" est une performance qui
s'est tenue à Zapasnoy (Reserve) Palace, Tsarkoye Selo (prés de St.
Petersbourg) en juin 1996 à l'occasion de l'exposition "Emergency Exit".
Il s'agit d'une série de performances réalisées de façon compulsive
durant une année et provoquant un certain niveau d'attraction et de
répulsion. "J'ai travaillé sur une ligne imaginaire de cosmétiques avec
des escargots vivants, des serpents, des fleurs et de couleuvres, etc.
Comme pour une publicité, j'ai utilisé ces éléments pour mon visage et
mon corps. Les gens ont d'ailleurs pu constater que je paraissais
beaucoup plus jeune après. J'adorerais que les gens puissent faire de
même toute la journée. La Nature a ses secrets pour préserver la beauté
et la jeunesse: des remèdes doux et tendres."
né en 1965 vit à New York et Vienne (Autriche)/ né en 1958, vit à Vienne
montage video-numérique, son, 30mn.
Pendant une demi-heure, une tonalité verte traverse toutes les
gradations entre le jaune et le bleu. Tout comme dans la composition "En
Do" de Terry Riley, les accords se succèdent les uns aux autres si
lentement que la transition est à peine perceptible. Il est important de
savoir que cette oeuvre a été à l'origine réalisée pour la Biennale
d'Istanbul. La séquence vidéo est conçue en rapport avec deux instances
spécifiques de l'histoire culturelle de l'Islam: la couleur verte
considérée comme sacrée par les Musulmans et le chant de prière
intermittent et monotone du Muezzin. La bande sonore, telle une
sculpture tonale, renvoie indirectement à la structure chromatique
instable de l'image vidéo. Les fragments chantés sont des vocalisases
spontanées de la lettre "a" qui ont été enregistrées chez des proches ou
au hasard dans la rue, puis assemblées en une suite de variations
acoustiques dissonantes. Tandis que la tonalité et l'intensité lumineuse
de l'image vidéo évolue graduellement, la bande sonore semble passer
brusquement d'une zone de fréquence à l'autre. Ces coupures se reflètent
dans l'image vidéo sous forme d'interruptions répétées, une image
subliminale. Un double portrait photographique noir et blanc des
artistes apparaît pour une fraction de seconde. Leurs yeux 'flashés'
réagissent à l'intrusion de la lumière.
Claudia&Julia MÜLLER
nées en 1964 &1965, vivent et travaillent à Bâle
"Don't Believe The Hype"/"Ne croyez pas tout ce qu'on raconte", 1997
Vidéo, couleur, son stéréo, 23 mn.
"Depuis deux ans on a écrit des douzaines de petits sketches qui sont
enmême temps des collections d'images. Au lieu de trouver des gens, on
joueles rôles nous-mêmes. Pour améliorer notre enquête, on se lance dans
des recherches pour aller un peu plus loin. On essaye de s'en tenir à
des moments évidents. On porte toujours les mêmes vêtements, marron et
bleu clair. Je me pose sur une chaise et je commence à dessiner un
collier sur mon cou, ou à faire sortir un son d'un faux instrument
africain. Elle a bien plus le sens du rythme. Moi, pas du tout. Il y a
aussi l'image où on mange des spaghetti, où je boxe en solo...là j'ai
mis un pantalon et Claudia une robe! Même si c'est sur un ton
humoristique ces mini-scénarios parlent de ces choses tout à fait
normales qui dérangent l'autre, lui font voir sa solitude et son
isolation dans la vie. Deux soeurs qui travaillent ensemble...Cela est
sujet à discussion, au dialogue, une autre qualité qu'on tient à
partager avec le visiteur." Extraits d'un entretien de Claudia&Julia
Müller avec Cécile Bourne, Cat. Kunsthalle de Bâle.
née en 1964, vit et travaille à Paris
"Sans Titre (Efface-toi)"/ 'Untitled (Earse/Vanish/Disapear)", 1996
Vidéo beta SP, PAL, son, couleur, 4mn.
Le son est souvent associé à la notion de déplacement dans le travail de
Magali. Cette artiste, habitant à Paris travaille depuis quelques années
l'image en mouvement où le cadre du moniteur est partie prenante du
dispositif de présentation. Ici, elle engage le spectateur à suivre le
bruit de son doigt en écrivant sur la fenêtre embuée les simples mots et
titre de la pièce présentée: "Efface-toi", incessamment effacés par la
vapeur. Cet acte-performance combine une dialectique qui s'instaure
entre le geste et la signification de l'impératif qui s'adresse à celui
qui regarde. L'exposition "On ne peut pas toujours couper le son" où
était montré pour la première fois le travail "Efface-toi" à
Printed-Matter à New York, donnait à entendre une action en arrière-plan
qui diffusait un message éphémère sur une vitre". Cécile Bourne, Flash
Art, été 98.
September 1998 : Pierre Belouin
: Glassbox Advertising :TRIBECA présente Ici tout est réel (tout est étrange)
Maxence Grugier
(<>"Transition Webzine": un magazine : Le #1 sort en septembre, le 15, il s'appelle NET ZONE. Il est accompagné d'un CD-ROM, et coutera 39 frs. très beau le CD-ROM !!! Voici le sommaire :Le premier N° sera vendu dans les bacs "Adulte" à
cause de la pub (numero de telephone etc... pornographique) mais le
contenu est plutot soft...
APO-33 PRESENT "1999" By FOE 4 FOE
Last Words 1999 : Interzone project of CD : multilingual translation of the Last Words of Hassan Sabbah, with different musical adaptations for each version : translations, recordings, music, CD pressing and distribution : Interzone : if you want to be part of it, contact :,,
Crash : nouvelle revue est née - elle se dénomme CRASH - elle offre a ses nouveau abonné un CD WSB la revolution electronique - ram
à new review has born - it is called CRASH - it offers its new subscribers a CD WSB Electronic revolution - ram
Pierre Belouin
: Glassbox Advertising :TRIBECA présente Ici tout est réel (tout est étrange)
Vernissage le 04 Septembre à partir de 18h30 à la galerie Anton Weller 57, rue de Bretagne
75 003 Paris
Alain Bernardini Marika Burmann Hervé Connagnl Clarisse Doussolt Ulla Frantzen
Pierre Giner Michel Guillet Catherine Helmer Veronique Hubert Philippe Hurtaut
Jean Pascal Princieux Isabelle Levenez Pascal Monteil Gwen Rouvillois Sabdame
Tsuneko Taniuchi Dana Wyse Et enfin Stefan Nikolaev
Des oeuvres seront éparpillées dans la ville : Marais, Republique, Strasbourg St Denis.
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