Report of September 21th 98
Hi all,
A lot of news this month, as the Zone have been again very active :
"Izzy and I have been discussing changing the nature of the monthly report to that of a magazine. This would mean that we can accept articles/poems/fiction or art work from group members to flesh it out, reducing Izzy's workload in this department so she can concentrate on the other stuff she has to do. The idea for the format would be simple with the bulk of the magazine appearing on a web site, allowing us to use images and nice colours, while each month an e-mail can be sent out with the editorial/news of the group, an article (or excerpt) and links to the other pages so that you can easily get to any information contained in the magazine you are interested in. We will NOT be sending pictures or large files, so people with slow downloads don't have to worry, anything like that will be kept on the web site and a link provided in the mail.
To make this work, and we believe it can, we need your help and support. Please, if you have anything at all that you can give us for inclusion please let us know. You can e-mail Iz or myself with what you have, or if you'd prefer to discuss it first then just let us know. The only guidelines are that anything of interest to others like ourselves will be included, whether it be on buddhism, ishmaelians, cut-ups, a day in your life, whatever. We are hoping to set an approximate deadline of the 25th of each month for submission.
As a first article I hope you all enjoy my account of my visit to Izzy's place earlier this year.
Hope to hear from you all soon,
I propose we keep on including the articles of the magazine in the book as well for publication.
Gary is now hosting the reports at : the sum of hundred $, it's reasonnable in the West, but in some places of the East, it represents a big sum. So I suggest that , for some of you who are there and want to be part of it , several people can group; we might also foresee another symbol of exchange than bills, which would have a constant value , similar for all of us, and based on a common agreement. See Max (Maxence
Grugier <> "Transition Webzine": & "The Game is Rigged - Take the Place Apart": is making a magazine : NET ZONE which is now coming out in France . It is sold with a CD-ROM and costs 39 fr (9$). Here is the content : Cybersexe, Cyborg and Android. (Stellarc, Orlan, les "Wirehead", ...etc) , Otaku, technologic Zombies. (a super article on Japanese ones) , Cyberculture and litérature : (Gibson, Sterling, Egan, Noon...) Kyoko Date, virtual idol (it's a Japanese chick who lives on the net, she does not exist, but has a very realist biography and gives interviews). Sects, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll (as the title does not say, it's on T.O.P.Y, Psychic TV and Thee Process) John Waters and Divine (no comment) , Artificial Paradises on the Net, Cyber-beatnick (about the infuence of our beloved ones : Ginsberg, Kerouac, Burroughs, Leary and the Merry Pranksters on the web development where I tell about us !) . The first issue is now in the shops.Max gives the URL to buy it from : but says that if you use it, you have to use a credit card, you will be listed in the files and will receive the adverts from the place endlessly. He proposes that you tell me if you want to buy one, and then he sends me a paquet with the number of issues which I'll forward to you. I can make it.
4. In the domain of videos : some new stuff in the Zones sites :
- Pierre Belouin Foe and Andrew Shachat's : - have begun to work together in the frame of the CD poroject "Last Words 1999" : see the results in : "APO 33": , : Index of /foe4foe/realvideo : Parent Directory
Pierre is making an expo with Glassbox at the moment on the 19, 22, 26, 27, 28 September 1998, 113 bis, rue Oberkampf 75 011 Paris Tél/Fax 01 43 38 02 82. Retransmission of events on
Scott Lickstein : A crazy lady, an answering machine and a drive.- Rod Pitman : "Don't Freak" : http://come.toDontFreak : "Don't Freak" is the title of the video Rod made with Bill Burroughs in July 97 .
- Mark Mentzer : has just been putting on line a Beatnick channel with a Ginsberg video and the Burroughs video "Towers Open Fire"
- Gary has just put a cut-up machine in his site :
- See the first results at : Also Jeremy 's page on another cut-up machine : and with his own results as well : see at :
- I shall forward the result to the people who are interested, but if this ends to work, let me know what you think about this place : at the moment we are just looking for informations , see if this really fulfill our needs, and if we are able to run such a place.
- On the practical level : Don has a hotel-restaurant businness experience and proposes to invest money in this. Kevin who also has a 17 years similar experience proposes his help and advices.
- Now the possibilities in such a place are so wide that we cannot make them all :
In case some of you would be used to deal with publishers, please let me know, as we would be in better position to evaluate the validity of contracts and offers, which I am not competent to do alone.
Joshua is making one with a tape-recorder running in 45 and 33 rpm. The plans I made are for a 78 rpm. In case any of you would have some fitting to Josh 's machine, please, let him know : Joshua Lowell
You can join us on ICQ : # Gary : 10236254 - Iz : 3146693. A whole bunch of us are on ICQ now, which is great to exchange. In case you want to download it, let's know and we shall transmit you the list of other Zoners.
Foe's chat-room has been deleted by his server (shame on him !) so as usual for the appointment, let's meet In Music Art and Books at Floor 3 :, or in Interzone in mIRC at Random US DALnet server, or in Dan's site at . See the details for this monthly appointment in the page Interzone Chats :
I have sold them all. Let us know what you think of this experiment, if you found it worth doing it, your eventual complains, and if you think we might try it again.
Burroughs ' book "Ghost of chance", about Captain Mission's adventures (see "Port of Saints", and "Cities of the Red Nights"), has just come out in France, published by Christian Bourgois, translation Sylvie Durastanti.
See the news between 2 reports at : , in Foe's site at and in the forum at
Have a wonderful automn.
Love and all the best.
Iz & Gary