Interzone report of October 21st
2002 French version Next report of November
Hi all,
This has been a productive month. You can now go on with the mail again as I am back on line, with some good news :
Places for the Zone: HERE WE GO !!!
After looking for a fittable building since 5 years, suddenly it comes out that we now have two places openned to Zoners :
1. In Coulanges
I have been visiting the ex-hotel to rent in front of Patrice house : the first floor contains 2 big rooms for the bar and restaurant, one kitchen and one added room; 9 big rooms in good condition at second and third floor. The whole of this is ok, except the kitchens, which are old and really bad. The heater is supposed to be new (2 years old), but the whole place is not occupied since this time. It's possible to heat with wood in the restaurant room though, as there is a fire place for the barbecue.
The place is to rent 4000 french francs (610 euros, 597 $), and I decided to take it. Patrice has proposed to be the guaranty for the rent, and his relations in the village have been very helpful.
As a result, I shall move there next saturday and shall settle completely at the start of november. At first there is a lot of cleaning to do, but once everything will be settled, the place should be hospitable.
So we now have a place which allows to fulfill a number of our foreseen aims. The first aim is to provide a shelter to Zoners who need it, a bed , food and a place to rest. The second is to organize an academy, a center of teaching and research. And the third one, to sell the
Zone's creations.The village itself is beautiful and quiet, with everything basic needed, and the closest town is 9 kms far. It has two campings which can welcome quite a lot of people, a river and a small beach 100 meters far from the hotel. There also are a number of houses for sale, and a 34 hectares wood for 40 000 euros.
It is not far from Paris, with a train to get there, and easy of access from Belgium, Switzerland and Italy.
For the selling , we must make an association, otherwise, if we earn anything in the frame of the society of fact we are since the start, the money would be officially considered as my personal money, and I would have to become an official seller, which is not the aim. So we are going to make a formal association, just for the official side, the action of which will be limited to this frame, but it shall not change anything for the rest . It must be and remain a formality
I'll be the treasurer, and shall publish the counts every month, in the report, so everything will be clear and openned.
We shall need a secretary, but the monthly reports already contain the whole of what we do, and only a short yearly report of activity will be needed here.
We need a president as well. As it is mainly is honorific, we might choose someone outside the Zone bound to Burroughs in a way or another. Any idea welcome, as well as volunteers.
2. In Lithuania:
Vasha is back there since several months and has been very active. He writes :
"We have proposal for establishing commmune project here, since my friend has a quite beg house and 10 hectares of ground. So people could grow vegetables and weed, (as we done for two years.:) There is km, where is small village with the shop, where people get some basic products."
Hence, we now have one place in Western Europe and one in Eastern Europe.This makes it already possible for Zoners out of the European community to come and spend some times in one place, and once their visa is expired, to move to the other place.
One of our aims since the start was to provide us temporary autonomous zones : it is now done.
The Time of the Naguals: first tome on line:
I have started to put on line the first tome of the Interzone anthology, the English "Time of the Naguals", which contains articles, mail exchanges and fiction. As you will see, the contents is very thick, and there still are a number of pages to add to it. There are 8 other tomes then !!!!!!Presently, you can find the following pages :
When it's finished, I shall include it in the books compilation on CD Press Agency:
You can find another Zone site on line, in French at the moment : Agence de presse Interzone, a free-lance experimental agency, at It contains at the moment the following rubrics :
In the rubric Actualités: see the page Côte d'Ivoire : Mobilisation contre l'attaque de la Côte d'Ivoire Abidjan,Place de la République Plateau - 02 Octobre 2002 - Photos envoyées par Koulin MAH <> 1, 2 , 3, 4 can send your articles, interviews, news, cut-ups and alternative sceniarii of reality to pages on line:
In other Zoner's sites:
Wishing you all the best.
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