Interzone report of December 2000 21st
Cronenberg - Burroughs - Weir - Sent by Vincent : datura@waika9.com |
Previous report : http://www.inter-zone.org/reportnov00.html
Next report of january 2001 : http://www.inter-zone.org/reportjan01.html
This report is in French at http://www.inter-zone.org/reportdec00fr.html
Hi all,
Since the latest report, I have spent some days in Poitiers. I have talked to one animator of the house of culture "Le Local" : they intend to make the expo, but cannot do anything at the moment to get credits for it, as the elections will be coming soon, so everything is stopped.
CD compilations :
Las últimas palabras de Hassan Sabbah:
"The Last Words of Hassan Sabbah" :
- M Glon <mioclonic@mixmail.com> has made the Spanish version of "The Last Words of Hassan Sabbah" : see at: http://usuarios.tripod.es/mioclonic/viejo.html.
- In Poitiers, I met Patrick Treger, from the group "Geriatrix Brothers", who is adapting the French version, and will be part of the compilation.
To access to the different versions, go to http://www.interpc.fr/mapage/westernlands/Derniersmots.html
The Dutch version already is in the Interzone compilation.
- "Music for Dreamachine" :
You can get it from Pierre Belouin at apo33.hotmail.com. The new URL of Apo 33 is : http://www.zone51.com/apo33
- Interzone compilation :
Paul is going to travel for sometimes, and Binda 23 binda23@btinternet.com can press copies of it. Foe can have the cover made. You can also download it for free at : http://www.mp3.com/interzonecd
Books :
Joshua Berlow : Insanity Factory is available from IUniverse.com for $10.95. It can be purchased in hardcover. Details of this are on the site at: http://www.joshuaberlow.com/if/contents.htm
Agent 1914 : "Dean O'Leary's Last Chances" : go to http://rain-crow.com/chapbook/ and scroll to the bottom of the page for the news......
Post-cards :
Concerning the guy who was looking for graphists for his callendar, I have stopped relating to him as it came out that we were not working in the same state of mind at all.
But I keep on making post-cards with the Zone's pics, so we should have several different collections available soon. Already, about 50 illustrations are available, on different themes : Burroughs pics, paintings by Agent Zero, Sazelli Jalal, Binda 23, José Altimiras, and more you can find in the Zone galleries : http://www.inter-zone.org/gal.html
If you have not bought cards for the new year yet and want some, just let me know at izz@inter-zone.org or baudron@interpc.fr : I can make them easily and quickly, for 1 $ each, plus mail fee. They are printed on white bristol A4 folded in two parts, so the illustration is on the front page and you have enough room inside and at the back to write on if you want.
Physical place :
1. I have also been to Amsterdam for a short visit. I had thought about it as a possible country for a physical place. Now it appears that to get a café there, or a hotel, one has to pass a diploma, which is impossible to me as I do not speak Dutch. Some Zoners suggested to make a squat there, but it appears as rather uncertain.
Belgium seems easier than France to put up something : no limit of the number of licenses. I have started to look for places, and financially; I can get something to rent, but have to find a fittable place. Though I have to studdy as well the possibilities here of SBRL, which seems close to the French associative status. But I am new here , and have to check the legislation.
2. Some Zoners are looking for a way to come and live in Europe, due to troubles in their country. I went to look for the info to the communal house, to the foreign department. As far as Belgium is concerned, here are the possibilities for people who do not belong to European community !
- if you want to come as a student (university), you have to ask the embassy of Belgium in the place you live in to subscribe in January for the next UNI year (October of the same year). If you are already studying in Europe (France) and want to come to Belgium, then you have to get a visa from the Belgian authorities in France for you to come and study.
- if you want to come to work, you have to have a job first, and the boss who employs you fulfils the formalities for you to come. Then you have a work contract, and a long time visa (5 years, to be renewed)
Otherwise you can come as a tourist, but the visa is only 3 months long.
If we end to have a place, then this could be a way to solve the problem of the employer, as the place will provide work. :)
Recapitulations of our creations :
In this aim, I am evaluating the whole of our creations : if we add the individual works to the Zone's work already made, we get much more. I am making a new catalogue with the whole, and then we have a more exact idea of what we got (CD, books, video, illustrations, dreamachines, etc.)
At the moment, here are the productions of Foe, Binda 23 and Anthony Rousseau :
Foe : CD :
1. Never Again (foe4foe presents dub subroza from MP3.com)
2. Unheard01 (Compilation from CDNOW)
3. Dub Subroza Sampler (Latest mixes from foe4foe presents dub subroza / updated almost monthly)
4. Music for Dream Machine (Compilation from Optical Sound Label)
5. The compilation album from Paul, UK (we gotta design cover and label to go with it - which I can do)
6. Super Big Bomber's "shinkai" He also has a set of videos.
- Binda 23 has also a number of personal CD.
- Anthony Rousseau has :
- vidéo "PREFACE". 97/ 99. Fr 3 mn .
- vidéo "ETAT-LIMITE". 99 . Fr . 10 mn .
- synopsis : Inspirée d'une nouvelle de Burroughs : "les derniers mots de Dutch Schulz", cette vidéo présente sous la forme d'un photo-roman une vision kaléidoscopique de la société, qui est faite à travers les délires du personnage principal William Mister.
Zone economy
About business questions, Ricardo Mbarak ricardombarak@lebanesegroup.com who studies in the Fine Art school in Paris, is going to put up his own production company, and is used to the different legislations in France and Lebanon. Lebanon has suppressed the taxes of importation on foreign products. So we have started to exchange on the possibilities we can have to work together on our art production and diffusion.
If we have to organize ourselves the production and diffusion, then we have to find a way and systems which fits to the Zone, otherwise it will not work. We are from many countries, so no specific national legislation can be appliable to the whole Zone. We have the choice of the legislations, and can choose to get a status the easiest and simple country and the most interesting to us , where 75 % of the money we earn does not go into someone else pocket and where we are not disgusted by tons of papers to fulfill before earning the first cent.. :)
The aim at the Zone's scale consist in being only dependant on us to product, and to make it with as less money as possible, through mutual organization and exchange of knowledges and means . It has been working rather well since the start of the Zone in 1997. This is the result of application of the concept of third mind, which corresponds in mathematics to the principle of non-additivity : as far as human relations are concerned, the results are superior to the sum of the parts : 1 + 1 is not equal to 2, but to 3 :
" Gysin: when you associate two minds...
Burroughs: There is always a third mind...
Gysin: A third higher mind...
Burroughs: Like an invisible collaborator. "
"The Third Mind".
New pages in the sites :
In Interzone Creations :
* Interview de Ricardo Mbarak <ricardombarak@lebanesegroup.com> http://www.ricardo-mbarak.com http://www.lebanesegroup.com par Alexandre Gurita <gurita@easynet.fr > Décembre 2000 : http://www.inter-zone.org/ricardo.html
* Update of Mungo 23's dreamachine at : http://www.inter-zone.org/mungodm.html
* Anthony Rousseau's gallery : http://www.inter-zone.org/anthony.html
* Roland Hamon gallery : http://www.inter-zone.org/roland.html - http://www.inter-zone.org/roland2.html
* The news pages since the latest report have been updated at : http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/9445/News15.html & http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/9445/News16.html
In the other Zoner's sites :
* See the new version of Gary's site : "Welcome to Interzone" : http://web.ukonline.co.uk/gary.leeming : the site has been completely remade and has a new look.
* M Glon <mioclonic@mixmail.com> : Las Ultimas Palabras de Hassan Sabbah : http://usuarios.tripod.es/mioclonic/viejo.html
Foe's MP3 <morimaster@hotmail.com> 666-hankura (chaos never dies):
* Patrick Burgaud : Merry Christmas : http://www.burgaud.demon.nl/noel/noelf00.htm - "The House of the Small Languages" : http://www.burgaud.org http://www.burgaud.demon.nl
* Teleferique : WWW.TELEFERIQUE.ORG - www.isea2000.com
* Messager du Réseau Beaucéant <messager@templiers.org> : English version at: http://www.templiers.org/english
Latest news on the interactive plat-forms of the Réseau Beaucéant :
Bases documentaires :
Recherches historiques :
-[n° 37] La géométrie de la croix templière
-[n° 54] Les Écrits de la Mer Morte
et http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0054.html#162
-[n° 58] Geoffroy de Saint Omer
-[n° 65] Les Écrits de la Mer Morte
à http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0065.html#41
-[n° 89] Mystères de la disparition de l'ordre
et http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0089.html#36
-[n° 91] Le drapeau dit beauceant
-[n° 111] Le rituel funéraire des Templiers
Recherches sur l'architecture :
-[n° 23] L'art gothique
-[n° 87] Les triskels dans l'architecture de l'Ordre de Saint Antoine & des Templiers
et http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0087.html#55
-[n° 95] Les souterrains dans l'architecture templière
à http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0095.html#11
Recherches régionales :
-[n° 21] Templiers du Larzac (Languedoc) au XIIIème siècle
-[n° 30] Le tournaisis ... des traces ?
et http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0030.html#8
-[n° 60] Les Templiers à Paris et Région Parisienne
-[n° 83] Saint-Antoine, descendance templière ?
-[n° 98] Les Châteaux-Forts des Templiers en Terre Sainte et ailleurs
et http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0098.html#17
L'histoire parallèle, l'ésotérisme, ... :
-[n° 2] L'énigme de Gisors - Roger Lhomoy
et http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0002.html#73
-[n° 92] Nostradamus, espion du prieuré de Sion ?
et http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0092.html#13
-[n° 94] Le Baphomet
-[n° 110] Marie-Madeleine (de Magdala) et les Templiers
Personnages historiques, postérieurs à l'histoire des Templiers :
-[n° 56] Aleister Crowley
Les Templiers aujourd'hui :
-[n° 61] L'Ordre "couverture" pour malfaisants ?
et http://www.templiers.org/plateforme0061.html#22
Un nouveau dossier sur une commanderie est disponible, la grange templière de St-Etienne de Renneville : http://www.templiers.org/renneville/index.html
Yahoo clubs :
"THE INTERZONE COFFEE HOUSE" : http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/theinterzonecoffeehouse .
NOVA MOB : http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/novamob : William S. Burroughs Research Club"BINDA 23" http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/binda23 , dedicated to the music project.
Amy Balot BURROUGHS'TAPE RECORDER : http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/burroughstaperecorder
Jonathan "PURPLE HOUSE" : http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/purplehouse
Jazzresin <jazzresin@hotmail.com > :
http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/ambavant23gardeink Apo33 mp3 : http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/63/apo-33.html
leah_sublime "Dandy In The Glass House".
http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/haterdom"Chapel Perilous".http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/chapelperilous
I wish you a Merry Christmas and send you all my best wishes the new year and millenium. :)))))))
This report will be on the web at : http://www.inter-zone.org/reportdec00.html
Naked Lunch beast Sent by Vincent : datura@waika9.com |
To access to all the reports since the beginning : Information on Interzone : http://www.interpc.fr/mapage/westernlands/infzone.html
Inter-zone.org => The Western Lands / Interzone Academy / Interzone Creations
Illustrations : "Stella Matutina", Marylis, 1936.