Phranco P. Fenderson
rand@shentel.netBrion Gysin
Antonin 1
The water tonight is on the brink of this our only breathing vessel.
They say their is an infinite space between all things;
Then i guess our good ship must sink
this night
with these, our thoughts aligned,
into the drink.
The water tonight is the stillest it has been
in all our years together, forever,
so it must be now, our newest longing
and our final song sung.
Perchance the receding will come,
the wavebreak clash against the wood
and steel and flesh of this our only way out.
and we are alive forever nomore,
our dance at a halt,
at a distance of leagues from the crystaline shore,
our shore, from whence we are born,
and never to return bound.
But lo! Land ho! A last glimpse of the damned land!
We are all but there, my dear, a tease of the heaven
to never taste out naked toes.
Look! Force thyself naught into the abyss!
Instead, in need, let it come and ingulf like the storms.
Darkness and vision seen only in the same light,
together joined apart,
the wavebreak smash upon the bow,
the clear-night stars awash and aflutter,
whispering insanities into our throats.
Let us bellow back our voices clear into the void,
And may they be heard by no one more
than the wavebreak and all her
sisters dear.
It's warmer than you think.
Warm as the womb, remember?
Then look again, but not into mine eyes;
Try your own, and share them with us in a dream.
Make no promise, make no mistake.
This is the will of our own good loves
and the will of our wavebreak.
p.m. gillette ~~~~~
The Stupor Droop (Or How to Teeter and not Tatter)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law...
The crow wished everything were black, the owl, white...
The shit piled up so high in Vietnam(everywhere) you need wings to stay
above it...
When the doors of perception are cleasned, everything will appear to man
as it is, infinite...for man has closed himself up; until he sees all
things through narrow chinks in his cavern...
Once the music leaves your head it is already compromised...
Love is the law; love under will...
It's all a matter of leverage...
The only place for a just man in an unjust society is in jail...
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker, and i have seen the
eternal Footman hold my coat and snicker; and in short, i was afraid...
Did you want to talk to me? Did you want to ask me, "WHY!"!?
The Zone takes care of its own...
Did you use ALL the chilis in this?
Mostly harmless...
Li Po is drinking wine and falling into the river...
The best way to catch a fish is to think like a fish...
The purple-Assed Baboon convulsed like a cow with the aftosa...
Heineken is for pussies...PBR!!!
Some are born to sweet delight, some are born to endless night...
Pioneers, o, Pioneers!
This is it!
I learned a new word today, Atom Bomb, it was like a bright light in the
sky; i thought it was Mrs. Victor's soul going to heaven...
What's a scourge?
Wrinkled earlobes are a sign of impending heart attacks...
Crazy, one-legged bird of light...on what far off world do you lay?
Alas, i hear your footsteps...
The dregs of the day, are all out to play...
Where is it you went, me death? Missed more than my life...
John has a wonderful drug habit...
Stealing kisses from the lepers' faces...
You know what you are?
I'd like to thank the Academy, by shoving this Oskar up their collective
But on a serious note...
Love one another...
Love yourselves...
Love the life because it's all you got...
And go to sleep to dream...
And wake to do the same...
Fall back on your art...
Cuz back-breaking work aint worth a damn...
Make millions and rub the noses of the Cabbage-Heads in it...
Give everything you got to everything you got...
Hate a cop for your own sake...
And don't forget not to pray... breaths in...hold out...repeat 13 times,
and on the last, seven in, hold seven, seven out...
Everybody understand?
Neither do i...
Aint it grand?
In a transparent
dreamMarch 20th 1998
In a transparent dream i am shown a storm poison green gargantuan mushroom cloud whirpool swirling above burning skyscrapers suburbs farmland tiny villages peasantry diseased vomitting forth children they ate of in last ditch long for survival of their kind gentle nature holding to their pride and genetalia like zoomonkeys on stage corporate mercantile spasmodic epileptic collective fall over each other in banks and offices cellphones checkbooks electric rollindex in melting screaming hands eyes watching skies on fire a last trumpet sounding for all you good godfearing christian critterfuckers as a dying cross weeps gyzym onto pews and that suffering white ubermensch sonofasupremebeing dancing upon graveyards cockhard and laughing it up as mother EARTH grows shadows in her eyes and womb wretched wrecked and cold silent space everyone wave goodbye! FINE in crisp white letters as humanity a shortfilm of a shortest reel comes flapping to its oneandonly end and burns oh yeah burns and warms SICK HEARTS in freezing night last of juice running low over and out and over again as greyhaired pigs in powerties and spitshined shoes taptaptap over downandout homeless types blacks latinos chinese korean mexicans and white trash that never wanted any part of their kind's fixing just to be left alone well you're all alone now kids as skin falls away intestines schlopping to concrete liver eaten up by mongrel dogs heart broken and fistfucked by little frecklefaced boys with coniving eyes whispering of cooties and smells of little pink girls under springtime sun now eclipsed by a cloud of green nuclear winter and last remaining examples of slobbering mammalia scrounge around for tiny bits and naughty bits of you and me to feed and LIVELIVELIVE fucking LIVE so you see it's all left to birds and bees and cockroaches to take up THE struggle EVOLVE MUTATE add a splash of rotten albino white mistake and STIR and big bang is a precum at a head of someone else's god's strapon compared to this and maybe just maybe next faceless myth of idol worship will be a woman albeit a ferocious WHITE WOMAN with a canyon between HER legs and every fucking creature on its knees will pray she doesn't swallow them back in and maybe just maybe SHE will be THE motherofaDAUGHTER who has to be robbed of her priceless guts and sacrificed so nameless masses can have an excuse to do it all over again and no doubt her FATHER will be VIRGIN this goaround his face seen in knots of oak from NEWCITY to newcity his COCK seen in clouds and streaked new photographs and everyone coming cumming from miles around to see this greatandmighty testement to eternity and as all INSECT and VEGETABLE cults that have waited on their pisscans and SOILED hayspreads will manipulate themselves into orgasmo XTC as they chew on sleeping pills sipping vodka and allimportant TAPIOCA to follow in HER bloody moonwake sewing up their CUNTS and lopping off cocks with rusty scissors chanting like crickets loud and obscene in crowded darkness and new inquisitions acquisitions pop up everywhere like convenience stores and dirty parking lots new banks pop suburbs pop skyscrapers pop offices pop wordvirus magazines and newspapers spreading hatelies and rumors between lines pop pop pop television radio ceepeeyoo mesmerizing melancholy disease POP POP POP to keep you wellbehaved insect swarms into mindless submission pop pop pop and monuments to dead killers carved in ivory and stone white litter political centers selling new viruses universal sewing them into blankets and angelwings and kind colored faces pop pop pop building up magnificent military arsenals to protect THE PLATINUM SUCKERS and oblierate great truthseekers soothsayers mothers ONEBYONE pop pop pop and some grayhaired insect genius rises above all in symbolic language and permeates with ideas allhisOWN thinks he's got ULTIMATE equation problem question solved until pop pop pop it's bought from his old shaking hands and bestmostfabulouslyperfect SOULDESTROYER is born again. END OF ARGUMENT.
p. p. fenderson.
De : Gillette <>
Date : vendredi 15 janvier 1999 21:51
Objet : Orb Be In U, Orb Be Out U, Orb Be All Around U...
-------------By Dr. Alex Patterson, phD.
-Put the kettle on.
-Put your name down for a charter flight to Mars.
-Take a hovercraft across the Sahara.
-Go for a swim with a dolphin.
-Sit on top of a mountain in Thailand.
-Raise fluffy bunny rabbits.
-Plug into virtual reality.
-Fly to New Zealand for a dip in a hot geyser.
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