Background :
Gysin : Dreamachine
Marie R. Stutz
From: "Todd Campbell"
<filmnoir23@hotmail.com To:
<Dreamachine@yahoogroups.com Sent:
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:19 AM Subject: [Dreamachine]
45rpm dreammachine
Does anyone have the math and/or proper
directions for the design of a Dream machine using a 45rpm
turntable? All the information I've been able to find online
is either strictly for 78rpm's or the instructions are extremely
vague or the calculations conflict with other versions...I'm
looking for simple, straight forward plans that don't require any
guess work. Thanks in advance!!!
From: "BAUDRON Isabelle"
Sent: Thursday, October 14,
2004 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Dreamachine]
45rpm dreammachine
Hi Todd,
I am the
maker of the 78 rpm plan at
Please, do not think the change is complicated, a 12 yo kid
can make it.
Just change 78 by 45 on the plan : - rythm
: between 7 and 13 - turntable : 45 tours by minute = 45 tours
for 60 seconds. - In one second, the turntable makes : 45 / 60
= 0,75 tour - one raw of 10 wholes (10 flashes) => a rythm
of 10 x 0,75 = 7,5 flashes /second = - 1 raw of 12 holes = 12
x 0,75 = 9 etc... with 14 and 16.
Then you measure your
turntable, and do just as on the plan, except you make more
wholes, using the rule
of three : You
probably learnt it at school when you were a kid : if 10 kg of
potatoes cost 6 $, how much will cost 5 kg ?
You write it
down on a paper : one colums for the potatoes, one for the $ :
Then you draw
a cross like a X between the two colums :

multiply the two numbers 5 by 6
and divide the result by the number with the ? : 10 : 5 x 6 =
30 30 : 10 = 3.
You do the same for the dreamachine.
I put the plans on the net for people to use their
brain and make it by themselves. Please, do not think that one
needs to be an expert nor you are not intelligent enough to make
it It is false. If I can make it (I had awfull results in
maths) then you can. :-)
Baudron Isabelle To:
52 Records Sent:
Sunday, January 05, 2003 8:46 AM Subject:
Re: dreamachine
Hi James,
Thanks for your
mail and impressions. For a number of
reasons, very frankly, I do not trust at all
people who refer to Crowley.
There has been an
image put on the dreamachine by people who
pretend to be involved in magic, and use it
in aims which I do not agree about, mainly
presenting themselves as "superior" to the
rest of mankind, and using their "knowledge" to
manipulate people and take power on them. I hate this and think
those people are just crooks.
Actually, in the
past some people tried to link it with a dark image :
David Woodward
gave an interview to "High Times" saying
that the dreamachine was the cause of Kurt
Cobain's suicide. Then he made a site where he
pretended to sell dreamachine for a crazy price, and
he robbed a number of people, taking the money without
sending anything.
He tried to take
advantage of Burroughs as well when he was alive and
Burroughs and James had troubles with him as
he was a real sucker. He ended to disapear,
and last year, as I was forwarding a mail from a guy
who had been ripped off to a Burroughs' club we have
in Yahoo, he sent a mail to this club, which
he had subscribed to with a pseudo, very
angry and pissed off, and just succeeded to
make himself ridiculous.
About the
dreamachine, I think that it's a domain which
has not been explored yet. So we can only tell
about what what we experiment, but nobody is entitled to pretend
to have the "knowledge" on the dreamachine. Such
speaches are a swindle.
I have met
recently such people who wanted me to work
with them. They got so much on my nerves that I
got angry and now do not want to have anything in common
with them. They pretend to be "initiates" but
are only interested by power and money.
What seems to me
very interesting about the dreamachine is
that it's an inner experiment, which belongs to you.
Nobody can come and tell you what you are supposed
to see, etc..., there is no authority here except
you : you are the owner of your inner space,
and are in the best place to evaluate your
own experiments. You are the most worthy of
trust here. The answers are inside you. Do
not allow anybody to interfere there : it's
YOUR domain.
Now do not be to
impatient to get the answers : they will come
to you spontaneously when you are ready to
get them. We have our own source of
knowledge, and I think that the dreamachine is a
way to get in contact with it.
The rest is
literature. :)
All the best.
52 Records To:
Baudron Isabelle Sent:
Saturday, January 04, 2003 12:27 PM Subject:
Re: dreamachine
Ive had an
interest in western magic recently delving into the rehlms of
alicester crowley and the hermetic order of the golden dawn. I
see some parallels with some particular poeples mission within
the framework of magic and with the dreammachine. Some describe a
kind of 'deevolution' as their aim. An attempt to bypass the ego
completely and experience a more raw closeness with god. In some
magic the aim is seen as proactive, an attempt saw to higher
planes of consciouness, to evolve more. However one particular
kind of magic proposed by austin osman spare seems to be very
similar to the ideals of the dreammachine, if you could call them
that...... an attempt to prevent the brains capasity for
conscious logic by incapasitating particular aspects of it. I
find this very interesting as it only seems to suggest somthing i
firmly believe - that life, more specifically consciousness is on
bi-polar scale - as you desend backwards in terms of intelligence
within humans to animals to trees to rock you are decending down
the scale of logic - god, one is a lack of the other, well
almost..... what do you think about this??
From: kaost@ mailcity.com
<kaost@lycos.com> To:
<baudron@interpc.fr> Sent:
Thursday, October 11, 2001 10:40 PM Subject: Dreamachine 45
rpm Question among other things
> Hi Isabelle, this
message is for yourself and everyone else on the dreamachine
list. > > I'm sure there are a LOT of people who have
been confounded because they will have to find a 78 rpm turntable
(which are next to impossible to find) to be able to construct a
simple dreamachine that goes from 7 to 13 flickers/second.
Yes, Zoners from US can hardly find 78 rpm record
players. In Europe, it's easy in junks shops : you can get one
for 23 US$. This week I asked in one shop : they had a small
one for this price, but it's an old one and the top of the record
player is broken.
> I constructed the 45 rpm version,
but it would seem to me that the elaborate designs do not have an
effect upon the flicker rate per second.
No, they don't :
the effects are the same on my dreamachine with just rectangular
cuts, and Brion Gysin's one which I tried.
cutting the designs is a much longer process and, at least here
in Canada, the only material available which is large enough to
construct such a machine is mat board (commonly used in mounting
photographs) which is expensive and harder to cut through than
bristle board.
Yes, the cutting of the designs take much
monger than the rectangles, this is why I never made it : for the
plans on
takes me one afternoon to make : if I start at 2 pm, the
dreamachine is ready at 7 pm. Except if you want to work more on
the cylinder : I painted one, which required the time to have
the painting dry.
About the cardboard, I can buy white one
from the shop for 2,5 US $, hard enough to stand on the machine
once the cilynder is built, and thin enough to be easily cut.
I bought mat board, however, because i want to construct a
machine that will not easily fall apart or be flimsy.
My question is, how many flickers per second does the 45 rpm
version of the dreamachine emit? (done with the plans on the
inter-zone.org site,
a dreamachine to be a dreamachine and putting the brain in alpha
waves, the rythm must be between 7 and 13 flickers per second.
The 78 rpm plan gets to different rythms inside this 7 and 13 per
second, as there are a different number of wholes at every row,
from 6 holes at the bottom to 10 holes at the top, and there are
5 raws :
- The turntable of the record-player turns at the
speed of 78 tours/minute = 78 tours/60 seconds.
- In one
second, the turntable makes : 78/60 = 1,3 tour.
- 1 flash
correspons to a hole in the cylinder.
- 1 row of 6 holes
(6 flashes) will give for every tour a rythm of 6x1,3 = 7,8
- 1 row of 7 holes : 7x1,3 = 9,1 fl/s
1 " " 8 " : 8x1,3 = 10,4 fl/s
- 1 " "
9 " : 9x1,3 = 11,7 fl/s
- 1 " " 10 " :
10x1,3 = 13 fl/s
The colours are different according to
the raw you use then. You just have to lower the bulb and put it
in front of the raw you want to try.
> It has to be
possible to construct a 45 rpm dreamachine that can go from 7 to
13 fps using simple rectangular holes. I'm curious if anyone has
tried this yet. Would be much interested to hear how it was done
and/or the exact measurements.
Look at
all the measurements are explained : I do not know anything in
technical things, so this plan is kind of manual boy scout one,
but it works.
> If it hasn't been done, i will try and
undertake it myself, but it will be a lot more time consuming if
i do not know how many flickers per second the original 45 rpm
version puts out.
> I noticed that Brion Gysin did many
alterations in the pattern from the one illustrated here:
pattern is extract from a small book on the dreamachine made by
Genesis P Orridge and his gang.
> Though plans for
the other ones are probably non-existent. Also found the
following link through Gysin related research:
http://www.neuron.net/~navi/bm98/dreammachine.html > >
Which illustrates what i had suspected: that the patterns are
unnecessary, (in fact if you are using bristle board they may
cause the machine sag, even if they do make it look more
The patterns are not necessary at all, just
the flickers are : during an electroencephalogram, they project a
flashing light in front of the eyes, just the same rythm as the
dreamachine, to see if the guy starts an epileptic fit : this
rythm induces fits when people suffer from epilepsy, as TV sets,
computers, etc. Now I have seen many people using the
dreamachine, and none had any trouble : one was working in a
expo in Paris in 1993, and they had not put any warning about it
: no problem.
> I look forward to seeing
some feedback on this matter, because if we can get such plans
together, it will be a lot easier for others to construct fully
dynamic dreamachines in the future. > > >
I hope that this will help you. Since two months, we
have been making a "dreeamachine class" to help people
who want to build one in US. If you want to get in the list,
let me know.
I forward this mail to the Interzone Coffee
Best Izzy
From: Marie R. Stutz
To: <apo33@hotmail.com
Cc: <baudron@interpc.fr;
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001
8:32 PM
Subject: Dreamachine
hello... i ran across
your name(s) whilst searching for dreamachines. i was wondering
if you could possibly direct me to a place where i could possibly
purchase a dreamachine...
thanks for your
help, mstutz@ford.com
From: Baudron Isabelle
To: Marie R. Stutz
Sent: Wednesday, August 01,
2001 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Dreamachine
I make dreamachines, and can
make one for you if you want , but the only problem is the post
fees, which cost more than the machine itself, due to the weight
and size of the record player .
If you already have a
record player 78rpm, you can send me the exact circumference in
centemeters of the turn table, and I can draw and cut the
cylinder, which would cost much less for the sending. Then you
only have to adapt it on the record plyer when you get it.
you choose this solution, about the look of the dreamachine, let
me know what you want : I can make it in plain white
cardboard, which you paint then as you want. I can also stick
printed illustrations on it and cover the whole with a
transparent sheet of plastic : you can have a look at the ones of
Kenji Siratori at http://www.inter-zone.org/kenjigal.html
and the following pages .
The page which contains all the
informations we have gathered on the dreamachine is at :
what you think.
From: Marie R. Stutz
To: Baudron Isabelle
Sent: Wednesday, August 01,
2001 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: Dreamachine
Hello Izzy...
If you already have a record player 78rpm,
We do have a record player that
plays 78s -- it's a German machine, an Elac (from the 30s - or
possibly the 40s/50s). I'm not sure of the circumference, but I
will measure it this evening (it's only 6:25am, here).
and I can draw and cut the cylinder, which would cost much less
for the sending.
I would make the machine
myself, but I'm afraid I don't know much about
electronics/wiring/etc. and it sounds as if there's a bit of
this involved. (It's a surprise birthday present and even though
I'd like to make it myself, I'm a bit nervous I'd mess up.)
Then you only have to adapt it on the record plyer when you get
What would this entail? Also,
how much do you charge and about how much do you think postage
would be?
> I can make it in plain white cardboard,
which you paint then as you want.
This sounds good.
you can have a look at the ones of Kenji Siratori at
Interesting stuff... thanks for
the url.
> The page which contains all the informations
we have gathered on the dreamachine is at
: http://www.inter-zone.org/dm.html
Yes, this is where I think I
located your name... a fascinating site, indeed! :)
just starting to get into Burroughs, but he was an AMAZING man, a
true genius!
Thanks for all of your help... -m.
From: Baudron Isabelle
To: Marie R. Stutz
Sent: Wednesday, August 01,
2001 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamachine
> We do have a record
player that plays 78s -- it's a German machine, an Elac (from the
30s - or possibly the 40s/50s). I'm not sure of the
circumference, but I will measure it this evening (it's only
6:25am, here).
> I would make the machine
myself, but I'm afraid I don't > know much about
electronics/wiring/etc. and it sounds as > if there's a bit
of this involved. (It's a surprise birthday > present and
even though I'd like to make it myself, I'm a > bit nervous
I'd mess up.)
The electronic part only requires to link a
bulb to electric wire. Anybody who can make a lamp can make
> > Then you only have to adapt it on the record
plyer when > > you get it.
> What would this
I stick some small cardboard pieces at the
bottom, which you can slide under the cover of the
turntable. It just requires to unstick the cover and slide the
pieces below them.
> Also, how much do you charge
and about how much do you > think postage would be?
price of the stuff I have to buy : mainly cardboard , which is
about 3,5 $ and the time required to measure the holes and cut
them : generally about 4 - 5 hours. The money I am asking is
the one I earn in one hour at work : as a nurse, I earn 450
belgian francs per hour : about 10,5 $ an hour. For 5 hours
: 52,5 $
=> 55 $ + mail fees. I am going to ask a
post office here and tell you then.
For the sending, the
most practical should be to roll the cardboard in a hard
cylinder box. When you receive it, then you put the cardboard
on your record player, slide the cardboard pieces below the
cover of the turntable, ans stick then the two edges of the
cylinder, then you do not have to move it nor take it
out, unless you want to use the record player to listen
to records. :).
> > I can make it in plain white
cardboard, > > which you paint then as you want.
> This sounds good. >
> > you can have a look at the ones of Kenji Siratori
at > > http://www.inter-zone.org/kenjigal.html >
Interesting stuff... thanks for the url. > > >
The page which contains all the informations we have > >
gathered on the dreamachine is at : > >
> Yes, this is where I
think I located your name... a > fascinating site, indeed!
:) > > I'm just starting to get into Burroughs, but
he was an > AMAZING man, a true genius!
absolutely. I am forwarding you the latest report of Interzone so
you will see what we are at exactly at the moment. If you want to
receive it every month, let me know, I shall add you to the
list of the Zone.
> Thanks for all of your help... >
You're welcome. It's great to meet other people
interested in the dreamachine. :)
Best Izzy
From: Marie R. Stutz
To: Baudron Isabelle
Sent: Wednesday, August 01,
2001 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamachine
> The electronic
part only requires to link a bulb to electric wire. Anybody who
can make a lamp can make it.
I wonder if this is something I
might be able to handle afterall(?) I do work in a factory with
electricians and other skilled trades who might be able to
help me out... Would you recommend attempting to create a
dreamachine to someone with limited mechanical abilities? See...
it's for my husband's birthday (Aug. 17th) - he's BigTime into
Burroughs (even had a few conversations with him on the phone)
- and I think it'd be nice if I could make it myself, but I'm a
bit nervous that I might mess it up... I've seen two sets
of plans -- the Gysin plans and the plans from a person called
> then you do not have to move it nor take it
out, unless you want to use the record player to listen to >
records. :).
Actually, we do have a rather
large record collection and this is a very nice record player...
would the dreamachine possibly damage the record player?
Yes, absolutely.
The more I learn about him,
the more amazed I am... Just finished _Junkie_ - wow!
I am forwarding you the latest report of Interzone so you will
see what we are at exactly at the moment.
Thank you. My husband has been
into the Beats for a very long time now, but I'm just learning
about Burroughs, et al. myself and like to take in everything I
can about him/them.
> If you want to receive it every
month, let me know, I shall add you to the list of the Zone.
That would be wonderful!
> It's great to meet other people interested in
the dreamachine. :)
Speaking of which, there's a
band that incorporates the dreamachine into their shows -- I
forget the name, but I saw them a few years back... very
From: Marie R. Stutz
<mstutz@ford.com> To:
Baudron Isabelle <baudron@interpc.fr> Sent:
Wednesday, August 01, 2001 1:46 PM Subject: Re:
> > The electronic part only
requires to link a bulb to > > electric wire. Anybody
who can make a lamp can make it.
> I wonder if this is
something I might be able to handle > afterall(?) I do work
in a factory with electricians and > other skilled trades
who might be able to help me out... > Would you recommend
attempting to create a dreamachine to > someone with
limited mechanical abilities?
Definitely yes, I have NO
mechanical ability at all. :) and I made 3 dreamachines.
See... it's for my husband's birthday (Aug. 17th) - he's >
BigTime into Burroughs (even had a few conversations with >
him on the phone) - and I think it'd be nice if I could >
make it myself, but I'm a bit nervous that I might mess >
it up... > I've seen two sets of plans -- the Gysin plans
and the > plans from a person called coolcat.
Hey !
have a look at mines, which are really simple : all the
explainations are written, and a 12 y o kid can make it
really. http://www.interpc.fr/mapage/westernlandss/dreamachine.html
longest part is to measure dand draw the holes on a cardboard
sheet which costs maximum 4 $. So even if it's messed up, and
there are no reason for this, you do not loose much.
> then you do not have to move it nor take it out, > >
unless you want to use the record player to listen to > >
records. :).
> Actually, we do have a rather large
record collection and > this is a very nice record
player... would the dreamachine > possibly damage the
record player?
No, you just have to take the cylinder out
of the machine, which takes 2 seconds. :)
What I
suggest : I received today a mail from a guy who asks if I can
help him to make a dreamachine. I can help you both, and we
can make mail exchanges, which we shall put on the web then,
so other people will benefit from it as well. His name is
Adam Sandersen: hyperborea9@msn.com
> Yes, absolutely. > The more I learn about him, the
more amazed I am... > Just finished _Junkie_ - wow!
you can have a look at the Essays, they are very easy to read,
and full of teachings. Also The Place of Dead Roads. The
Cities of the Red Night is great too. Well, Burroughs is to me
the greatest American writer of the XX? century.
> >
I am forwarding you the latest report of Interzone so you >
> will see what we are at exactly at the moment.
> Thank you. My husband
has been into the Beats for a very > long time now, but I'm
just learning about Burroughs, et al. > myself and like to
take in everything I can about him/them. > > > If
you want to receive it every month, let me know, I shall >
> add you to the list of the Zone. > That would be
wonderful! Thanks!
OK, I am adding you.
> >
It's great to meet other people interested in the > >
dreamachine. :)
> Speaking of which,
there's a band that incorporates the > dreamachine into
their shows -- I forget the name, but I > saw them a few
years back... very interesting.
If you find their name
again, let me know. I am interested too. :) >
Best Izzy
From: Marie R. Stutz
To: Baudron Isabelle
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001
2:08 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamachine
> Definitely yes, I have
NO mechanical ability at all. :) > and I made 3
interesting. this is
encouraging! :) as it's a gift, i do prefer to make it myself
-- it's always a little more "special" to give
something that you've created.
> Hey ! have a look at
mines, which are really simple : > all the explainations
are written, and a 12 y o kid can make it really. >
thank you! i'll definately be
checking this site out!! :)
> The longest part is to
measure dand draw the holes > on a cardboard sheet which
costs maximum 4 $.
i work with welders and
pipefitters... i wonder if i was able to obtain a copper, or
steel pipe section and have it cut to specs, if this would be
good, too?
> So even if it's messed up, and there are
no reason > for this, you do not loose much.
yes, not a big deal at all.
No, you just have to take the cylinder out of > the
machine, which takes 2 seconds. :)
is this difficult to do? i
was thinking of maybe creating the cylindrical section and
buying the lightbulb/etc and just leaving the final part,
involving the turntable, for after the present is opened.
> What I suggest : I received today a mail from a
guy > who asks if I can help him to make a dreamachine. >
I can help you both, and we can make mail exchanges, >
which we shall put on the web then, so other people > will
benefit from it as well.
this sounds great! we could
have a mini-mailing list on our progress, troubles, etc... i
have yet to measure the circumference of the turntable - since i
have to be a bit sneak about this (do it all at work) because
it's a gift for my husband (who also works at home - he's a
> If you can have a look at the Essays, they
are very > easy to read, and full of teachings.
oh, this is one thing i adore
about burroughs - his life wisdom/advice. i especially like
something i've seen of his -- his advice for young people!
something to live by! :)
> The Cities of the Red Night
is great too.
one night, before bedtime, i
tried the suggestion (gysin's suggestion?) of reciting the 6
cities of the red night aloud to receive the answer to your
question in your dreams. i did dream about what was on my mind
(no surprise there), but no definate answers... altho there
was something strange- as i was waking up i heard someone
whisper my name twice - it was the strangest thing!
Well, Burroughs is to me the greatest American > writer of
the XX? century.
definately the smartest man
of his/our time! he was a genius, atleast in my book!
have you ever read one of burroughs' favorites - jack black's
_you can't win_?
> OK, I am adding you.
thank you.
> If you
find their name again, let me know. > I am interested too.
yes, i'll definately find out
and let you know... it was a one-man band and i just can't
remember the name for the life of me... but i'll see if i can
find someone who does remember.
thanks again for the
encouragement on building the dreamachine! :)
From: Marie R. Stutz
<mstutz@ford.com> To:
Baudron Isabelle <baudron@interpc.fr> Sent:
Friday, August 03, 2001 3:08 PM Subject: Re: Dreamachine
Yes, I am French, came here last year for a number > of
reasons. how is france, btw, as a place to live. my husband
is pretty strong in the copyleft movement and i know that
france is a center for copyleft activity. we're pretty much
"lost" in the us -- things are chaging fast, and for
the worse - in a big way.
*******Hi Mary, Sorry for the
delay, but not much time here. :(
France is a wonderful
place to come and visit. The country is very beautiful. But
it's expensive, and to live in as a citizen, the administration
is terrible. A real pain in the ass, the art to complicate simple
things. :)
> Internet is a great way to travel, I
think. When I got connected, > it made me feel free from
the space-time dimensions , > borders did not exist
anymore. yes, this is so true!
> Definitely yes, I
have NO mechanical ability at all. :) > and I made 3
dreamachines. interesting. this is encouraging! :) as it's
a gift, i do prefer to make it myself -- it's always a little
more "special" to give something that you've
Yes, sure, and more practical too : no bother
with mail and so on.
> Hey ! have a look at mines,
which are really simple : > all the explainations are
written, and a 12 y o kid can make it really. >
http://www.interpc.fr/mapage/westernlandss/dreamachine.html thank
you! i'll definately be checking this site out!! :)
one is easy to make. I have never tried Brion's plans published
by Temple press, as they seem to require to much work. when
I have time, may be...
> The longest part is to measure
dand draw the holes > on a cardboard sheet which costs
maximum 4 $. i work with welders and pipefitters... i wonder
if i was able to obtain a copper, or steel pipe section and
have it cut to specs, if this would be good, too?
Hum !
You have to figure out that I am French, so I am not getting
the whole of this (welders and pipe fitters) The plans I made
are for putting the dreamachine to everybody's disposal, but
they are kind of extract from the "boy scout manual"; now
if you can make it better , this would be great. The carboard
remains cheap, this is why the look of the machine has to be
> So even if it's messed up, and there are no
reason > for this, you do not loose much. yes, not a big
deal at all.
> No, you just have to take the cylinder
out of > the machine, which takes 2 seconds. :) is this
difficult to do? i was thinking of maybe creating the
cylindrical section and buying the lightbulb/etc and just
leaving the final part, involving the turntable, for after the
present is opened. :)
Hey ! You are completely free to
do what you feel like here, it's your buddy's present, so
everything is permitted :)))))) Just do as you feel. :)
What I suggest : I received today a mail from a guy > who
asks if I can help him to make a dreamachine. > I can help
you both, and we can make mail exchanges, > which we shall
put on the web then, so other people > will benefit from it
as well. > His name is Adam Sandersen:
hyperborea9@msn.com this
sounds great! we could have a mini-mailing list on our
progress, troubles, etc... i have yet to measure the
circumference of the turntable - since i have to be a bit
sneak about this (do it all at work) because it's a gift for
my husband (who also works at home - he's a writer).
me know if you need anything.
> If you can have a look
at the Essays, they are very > easy to read, and full of
teachings. oh, this is one thing i adore about burroughs - his
life wisdom/advice. i especially like something i've seen
of his -- his advice for young people! something to live by!
Yes, he is a real eduycator, I think, otherwise the
Zone would not exist.
> The Cities of the Red Night
is great too. one night, before bedtime, i tried the
suggestion (gysin's suggestion?) of reciting the 6 cities of
the red night aloud to receive the answer to your question in
your dreams. i did dream about what was on my mind (no
surprise there), but no definate answers... altho there was
something strange- as i was waking up i heard someone whisper
my name twice - it was the strangest thing!
Seems you
have made new friends here. Good luck there. :)))))
Oh !
Got another mail today of someone wanting to make his
dreamachine. So you are 3 in one week to ask about it. Shall
we make a class (LOL !)
Best Izzy > Well,
Burroughs is to me the greatest American > writer of the
XX? century. definately the smartest man of his/our time! he
was a genius, atleast in my book!
btw, have you ever read
one of burroughs' favorites - jack black's _you can't win_?
OK, I am adding you. thank you.
> If you find their
name again, let me know. > I am interested too. :) yes,
i'll definately find out and let you know... it was a one-man
band and i just can't remember the name for the life of me...
but i'll see if i can find someone who does remember.
again for the encouragement on building the dreamachine!
From: Marie R. Stutz
To: Baudron Isabelle
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001
7:20 PM
Subject: Re: Interzone report
of August 21st 2001
Hello... Just a quick note
to update you on the progress of the dreamachine that I'm working
I work with some skilled tradesmen who specialize in
working with metals (i.e. tin) and various tools. So far, I
have measured the base of the turntable & have handed over
the circumference size to a co-worker who produced a round tin
circle (approx one inch high and a little over 36" around)
that I will place over the turntable, to make sure there it is
a snug fit. (Incase it isn't tight enough -- he made it a
little on the loose side -- I have electrical tape that I'll
use to tighten the loop until it fits nicely.) Once a fit
is made, the circumference will be re-measured and the large tin
cylinder will be cut and the holes also cut on a special
Tonight I will do the measuring and hopefully
I'll have more progress reports soon... :)
From: Marie R. Stutz
To: Baudron Isabelle
Cc: Will
Dr Ernest Unity <psychoyoda2000@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22,
2001 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamachine making
From: Marie R. Stutz
To: Baudron Isabelle
Sent: Monday, September 24,
2001 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: Interzone report
A quick update as to the
progress of the dreamachine I'm having built... (yes, it
unfortunately *still* isn't finished) The nearly finished
model had been scrapped as it was too large and feared to be too
unstable on a turntable. They're now working on a smaller,
coffee-can-sized model.
Cheers, mrs.
From: Marie R. Stutz
To: Baudron Isabelle
Sent: Saturday, October 20,
2001 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: Tr: Dreamachine 45
rpm Question among other things
Hello, Izzy... Just wanted
to let you know that the dreamachine was finally finished this
past week. We used galvanized steel and painted it black.
was a somewhat belated birthday gift for my husband, Michael, but
I think I've told you this already. We took some pictures, so
just as soon as he transfers them to his computer I'll mail a
few to you.
> I have remade the page at : >
http://www.interpc.fr/mapage/westernlands/dreamachine.html >
and putting this mail in a new page: > Dreamachine class
http://www.inter-zone.org/dmclass.html >
(not on line yet : see tomorrow) I'm looking forward to
checking these sites out... :)
> Looking for a way for
you to get the 78 rpm record players. > Any idea ? Garage
sales, auctions, flea markets, and thrift stores are all
excellent ways to find 78 record players at a very low cost.
Question : Could an electronician change the speed of the >
record player from 45 to 78 rpm ? This is a good question;
I'll ask one of the Electricians at work and get back to you
on this...
Thanks for all of your help!
From: Baudron Isabelle
To: Marie R. Stutz
Sent: Monday, September 24,
2001 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Interzone report
> A quick update as to the
progress of > the dreamachine I'm having built... (yes,
it > unfortunately *still* isn't finished) > The
nearly finished model had been scrapped as > it was too
large and feared to be too unstable > on a turntable.
They're now working on a smaller, > coffee-can-sized
Good luck then. The good side is that one can
invent a lot of ways to make it, this is up to you really. My
landlord tried the dreamachine the other day, lol, just before
making people visit the place. Then he looked a bit spaced
out , he he he
> Cheers, > mrs.
Cheers. Izzy
The result :
From: Marie R. Stutz
To: Baudron Isabelle
Sent: Wednesday, November 07,
2001 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: dreamachine (fwd)

to dreamachine