Dead Joe
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Hi all,
Following the infos I am getting here, it seems the most appropriate for the status would be a commercial society : (see the rest of the mail in the page
News2 )*********
À : BAUDRON Isabelle <>
Date : mardi 27 octobre 1998 20:12
Objet : Re: Society ?
in some ways i'm in agreement with the business aspects of the zone. Yet there is always this rebel mind at work that tells me that if we join the machine the machine will absorb us and there go any hopes for any real freedom or immortality. the need to aquire lands and other properties from the social controllers will be with us 'til the systems collapse. and any head worth its cranial matter knows that every thing has to crash or it becomes psychotic. so it seems to me a survivability
study must be made before venturing into any scenario. especially in todays world where more and more power is moving to the right and civil surveilance is almost total. try to grow as many of your own foods and medicines as possible. and in case of complete breakdown if you don't already have weapons for self defense know where to get them. I know
they're out to get me and pretty soon they may be out to get you. Kudos to MDC.
pardon my rant but aboriginal thinking seems to have invaded my circuits. and the importance of the survival of the rebel tradition has been brought to the forefront. many of the humans who have spoken the loudest for personal freedom have been rubbed out or otherwise passed from this place. there is nothing from some imagined next world coming to save us and if anything comes in from space it's bound to be hungry after its multi-lightyear trip. and as an outsider humans look like herd oriented food animals to me.
just a thought
from dead joe
De : Baudron <>
Date : mercredi 28 octobre 1998 13:08
Objet : Some hope
DJ : in some ways i'm in agreement with the business aspects of the zone. Yet there is always this rebel mind at work that tells me that if we join the machine the machine will absorb us and there go any hopes for any real freedom or immortality. the need to aquire lands and other properties from the social controllers will be with us 'til the systems
collapse. and any head worth its cranial matter knows that every thing has to crash or it becomes psychotic. so it seems to me a survivability study must be made before venturing into any scenario.
Iz : Hi Dead Joe,
Interesting idea .
DJ: especially in todays world where more and more power is moving to the right and civil surveilance is almost total. try to grow as many of your own foods and medicines as possible. and in case of complete breakdown if you don't
already have weapons for self defense know where to get them. I know they're out to get me and pretty soon they may be out to get you. Kudos to MDC.
Iz : Much thanks for your mail.
I agree with its content in many ways, this is why I am so uncertain about the scenario to choose.
About the food and medicine, I agree too, but you must live in the countryside and have land to grow the fruits and vegetables.
In case of breakdown, we need also a quiet place, a refuge where to go when we need it, with buddies ready to welcome
us and who are into the same current than us. This is very important to know you got a place to go.
At least, some rest is possible for sometimes. This is the aim of the hotel, or renting a place.
About self defense, in such a place we could make some matial arts, and work on non-control strategies.
In case you can read French, I got some writings on this, which I can send you, and which could be useful
in self-defense training. I can send it if you want.
DJ : pardon my rant but aboriginal thinking seems to have invaded my circuits. and the importance of the survival of the rebel tradition has been brought to the forefront.
Iz :Yes. I think the traditional thinkings are very important, and can be studdied and used altogether as they seem complementary, each one describing a side the others have not developped, but they seem to rest on the basic same maps, so when you access to one, you can potentially access to the others.
DJ : many of the humans who have spoken the loudest for personal freedom have been rubbed out or otherwise passed
from this place. there is nothing from some imagined next world coming to save us and if anything comes in from space it's bound to be hungry after its multi-lightyear trip. and as an outsider humans look like herd oriented food animals to me.
just a thought
from dead joe
Iz: Yes. I tell you my hope in the structure of the zone : to my knowledge, this is the first time in the world
such a number of people spread on the whole planet who got access to many domains of knowledge decide to share them and make things together just for fun.
I believe that we got the elements to solve the problems, due to our level of evolution . Noàbody can make it alone,
but altogether, we should make great work.
For instance, if we can manage to put up an economical organization without falling into the usual tricks in this domain,
then we shall have succeeded something. (see
about the use of money.) It seems the world we live into has not learnt yet how to use money properly, according to its original function, which is just a symbol of exchange and has no value by itself.
So we got to chage our conception of it, as well as the use we make of it. Here is the hope. I think that we all got elements of answers, and if we mix then, then the result is great. Burroughs' and Gysin's teachings are a huge chance, they make us able to go to the next step of evolution of mankind I think.
PS : I just created a page on the status for the zone in the forum,
where I include the mails on this subject, with yours.
Tell me if you are ok with it.
À : BAUDRON Isabelle <>
Date : mercredi 28 octobre 1998 18:12
Objet : Re: Some hope
indeed i'm cool with it. as for land for food, one can grow corn and tomatos in a window box. the earth spirit will know you are trying to do the right thing. i can read french. i just don't understand most of what i read. except when i am asleep. in dreamtime i seem able to write and speak in any language. something i certainly am unable to do here in real time at this time. as a human mongrel and sometime believer in a collective unconscious i am sure there are receptors for all languages
in every brain. i just haven't reached the need for them yet.
as a sidebar. do you or any you know keep up with research into nanotechnology and work being done in the area of DNA computers? My brain knows a little and has a need for a lot. back to the blues. from world watching and experience there appears to ever be a war going on. senseless brutality in the name of ridiculous beliefs. personally i am sure the root of all this conflict is mass psychosis resulting from attempts to force control onto that which does
not wish to be controlled. even the smallest strands of life are programmed to try to survive for as long as possible. paradoxically the self same strands are also programmed for self destruction. this is where we come in, after talking to DNA while under the influence of...
it appears the only reason we evolved into existence was to learn how to beat the reaper so that DNA will be able to survive after ol' sol goes supernova. which while still several weeks away is something to think about on the cellular level.
which brings us back to mass psychosis.
beware what you allow yourself to think or believe. more and more humans are unable to distinguish what goes on in the mind and what goes on in reality. folks become self obsessed to the point where they are capable of viewing only their own delusional wants and needs. ergo you don't think what i think so you must die. witness the middle east, bosnia and
quite likely your own neighborhood. although the level of violence in your immediate area may not be as organized as it is elsewhere it is surely every bit as intense. if not more so. shooting at a uniform that is trying to kill you makes sense from a survival perspective, raping and murdering some one only makes sense from the perspective of individuallity gone awry.
one can become mentally self absorbed to the point that nothing outside of self contains meaning or reality. been there, doing this. truth in the long run is that what one thinks or feels doesn't mean anything to the world. people love and care for each other on one day and on another they can't remember their own mothers face. wish i could do something more. as the absolute least of human beings i am but a vapor cloud blown into the past by the winds of being. filled to the
brim with unrequited love for all that i survey for my only master DNA.
have some kind of day.
dead joe
De : Baudron <>
Date : vendredi 30 octobre 1998 13:31
Objet : Re: Some hope
DJ : indeed i'm cool with it. as for land for food, one can grow corn and
tomatos in a window box. the earth spirit will know you are trying to do
the right thing.
Iz: Yes, never thought about the window box. The year before making the Zone, I tried to grow vegetables here to see if someone who never did it can succeed, and it worked perfectly : I got lots of things, tomatoes, salads, cabages, radishes, cucumbers, pumkins, melons, courgettes !
The look of the garden was not as perfect as local gardeners (not all the time in straight lines, and with some weeds here and there), but it costed nothing and was much better than the stuff in supermarket.
Also bought the food from farmers (eggs, milk, rabits, chicken, cheeses), much cheaper and better also.
DJ: i can read french. i just don't understand most of what i read. except when i am asleep. in dreamtime i seem able to write and speak in any language. something i certainly am unable to do here in real time at this time. as a human mongrel and sometime believer in a collective unconscious i am sure there are receptors for all languages in every brain. i just haven't reached the need for them yet. as a sidebar.
Iz : Well, you could try to read them as they are, and then, may be when you are asleep you would get the meaning.
No harm to try anyway. I send you the work attached in other mails , let me know if you get them.
DJ: do you or any you know keep up with research into nanotechnology and work being done in the area of DNA computers? My brain knows a little and has a need for a lot.
back to the blues. from world watching and experience there appears to ever be a war going on. senseless brutality in the name of ridiculous beliefs. personally i am sure the root of all this conflict is mass psychosis resulting from attempts to force control onto that which does not wish to be controlled.
Iz :I do not know about nanotechnology. What is it ?
About the war, I agree : it seems we are living inner conflicts related to false postulates we beleive in. And those false
beliefs bother us more and more until we understand what was false, and then get rid of it.
I have had terrible times with this, and still do sometimes. But the more something parasites us, the more we can know
that we are in front of a conflict to solve, which means a false postulate to get rid off.
The only way I could manage was working on it then, which required to go back to the origine of the false postulate,
in using control of breathing : learning to get in touch with my inner "me", who knows everyting and then gives the answers.
Then I could be "centered".
But it took time, and moments when I had to forget everyting out of it to concentrate on this only, which requires not
to work, nor spread the energy in other domains.
Though it was very effective, and still is.Now it seems that we have to do this all the time :
after sometimes, another false postulates becomes to bother us , untill we solve it.
This seems to be part of the process of evolution.
So the whole psychiatric vision of "diseases" is unaccurate, because it does not take in account our inner structure,
and its processes of evolution.
DJ: even the smallest strands of life are programmed to try to survive for as long as possible. paradoxically the
self same strands are also programmed for self destruction. this is where we come in, after talking to DNA while under the influence of...
it appears the only reason we evolved into existence was to learn how to beat the reaper so that DNA will be able to survive after ol' sol goes supernova. which while still several weeks away is something to think
about on the cellular level. which brings us back to mass psychosis.
Iz: According to what I have abserved, mass psychosis are related to false postulates or beliefs at the scale of societies :
they create problematics, like in a familly, and the whole group is confronted to their consequences on and
on. So the inner conflicts keep on, resulting from those collective delirious construction.
Seems also the collective memory is very important : the reactions of fear, etc..., seem transmitted genetically,
as well as the memories of our ancestors. So they keep on acting a long time after their death influencing the
life of their descendants.
DJ : beware what you allow yourself to think or believe. more and more humans are unable to distinguish what goes on in the mind and what goes on in reality. folks become self obsessed to the point where they are capable
of viewing only their own delusional wants and needs. ergo you don't think what i think so you must die. witness the middle east, bosnia and quite likely your own neighborhood. although the level of violence in your immediate area may not be as organized as it is elsewhere it is surely every bit as intense. if not more so. shooting at a uniform that is trying to kill you makes sense from a survival perspective, raping and murdering some one only makes sense from the perspective of
individuallity gone awry.
Iz: The strange thing is that we have not integrated yet simple and basic rules of behaviour which make common life livable : respect of oneself and others, and basic limits allowing to live together in good company.
our democratic constitutions contain them, but we do not apply them in the laws, nor our life, nor politics.
So they remain texts which do not represent what they are supposed to represent : the level of the words
does not fit to the facts : if we apply them, then some destructive behaviours would be untolerable and considered as
pathologic : you ask for a psychiatric expertise for Milosevicz, and he goes straight to the asylum.
DJ : one can become mentally self absorbed to the point that nothing outside of self contains meaning or reality.
Iz :Yes, this is terrible because the world around does not obey our will, he does not fucking care unless our will is in harmony with it. So if we do not adapt to the world, it fights us, and we are sure the loosers !
DJ: have some kind of day.
dead joe
Iz Much thanks, Dead Joe.
Same to u :)))))))
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It would fit perfectly in the Academy on the web.
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